Monday, May 31, 2010

BP oil spill Solution

So everyone has a solution why not me? 
Solution for the BP problem. As a Scuba diver I make the following suggestion. Use a Y shaped valve. One side open the other side to a hose or pipe to the surface. Once the connector is slipped over the leak then a valve on the open side could be closed diverting the oil up to the side with the pipe. As long as they keep trying to put their devices over the leak with out a way to vent the system at that depth they will continue to fail.

It's really a simple process that is being over complicated.

Did you ever hear the story of the child that figured out to simply let the air out of the truck tires to get it under the bridge? Same thing. They keep trying to put something over a busted pipe that has pressure but the pressure just keeps blowing them away. it needs to be vented until its on. Once on just redirect the flow.

I know it sounds too easy but it really is that simple. You can't fight all that pressure you can redirect it. Liquids flow you can't stop them you must redirect them.

Friday, May 28, 2010

BP and the disaster

Tony Hayward of BP and Benjamin Linus of LOST....
Does anyone see anything freaky going on?  The series finale and then the disaster?  Could it be DARMA!

BP a/k/a Big Polluters and Boycott BP

Here we are its been 6 weeks! and still the oil is pumping in to the Gulf.  The entire region is destroyed and government is still busing trying to figure out who to Blame. 

Boycott BP

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Blow up the BP oil Well

Blowing up the BP oil well is not a new technology.  When oil wells fail and they do the resulting solution was to blow them up so they would be sealed off and stop the leak.  Enough already lets blow that puppy up and stop the spill.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

BP is still murdering the planet

Said I said the M word, for Murder!  They are just killing everything with little or no regard.  There is no hurry up going on.  It's okay now they tell you were only leaking 2,000 gallons a day it's not so bad.

Yea and I'm a fish in need of a lube job.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

BP Kills the East Coast of the United States of America

Video from a Private Pilot

BP lets Boycott them

BP Peed in the pool.  They royaly screwed up the ecosytems for generations to come.  So like stupid little sheep we continue to buy their gas?  I don't think so.