Monday, September 27, 2010

Wasilla home of Sarah Palin

Did you see her daughter dance?  Neither did anyone else.  Mrs. Brady beat her!
Did you see those thunder legs?  Her husband is where? The under age mom with a baby daddy.  Way to preach morality Sarah!

Sarah Palin

Just saying her name and talking about the Tea Baggers makes me laugh.

They will cut taxes and pay for the police, fire and teachers how? Don't ask they don't know but they are going to cut taxes.

Maybe I should get a helicopter so I could hunt moose?

Vote for Sarah Palin

It's the funniest thing you could possibly do to scew up America.

Bunch of Tea Baggers.....

Monday, September 13, 2010

Support your changes

I really don't understand US American's.  We voted for change did we think it would happen over night. It took the previous administration 8 years to destroy the economy do you think this new guy can fix it in 18 months?   Bernie Madoff and Allen Stanford got away with their nonsense for so many years and now they want the new president to fix it over night.