Monday, February 18, 2013

Gun Fire movies Xbox or reality

I guess there must be some paranoia about giving up their guns since even though every day we read about another shooting the crazies think by being armed will prevent the next shooting.

Thinking out loud

Hey it's Monday so how did you weekend go?  Did you do anything exciting?  I sat on the patio and watched the sky change colors with a good shot of rum.

Monday in Paradise

Another Weekend survival and I'm here you're not. The weather is great the water is blue please don't tell Exxon or the other big oil companies.
If you see Dick Chaney tell him I went the other way.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Not Dead Yet

I just wanted to jump in here and see if this was still alive. I'm going to make an effort to post more often if you will make an effort to drop by and read more often.

Okay now with that out of the way lets all get ready to go outside and play