Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Fighting over reclining airplane seats

On October 19th, 2015 there was another flight delaying fight on a plane because someone reclined their seat.  
I believe this is the airlines Fault.  Why you ask because they reduced the seat space and still allow the seats to recline. Seat space has gone form a tolerable 34 inches down to an annoying 28 inches. 
So who's fault is that?
If I pay for a reclining seat I want to recline.  I paid extra.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Lollipop for Android sucks

After much research and many, many threads across the web it's clear we are all over the place with the same conclusion Lollipop sucks and has killed Bluetooth!
If you haven't made the move to Lollipop versions 5.0.2 and 5.1
I would suggest you hold off,  check the internet for your phone and see if  it's killed your Bluetooth and possibly your Wi-Fi too.

It might a bigger problem if you Have Apt-X installed on your phone and headphones   It seems like something has gone seriously wrong with update coding.  Okay plain and simple the Lollipop version for Android Sucks!!!!!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Happy October

Yes it's October 2015.  Time is just whizzing by and soon it will Halloween and then Christmas and then New Years and we'll be happy or sad depending on what your doing.  So much pressure, the feeling and need to celebrate something be somewhere buy something for someone you don't really like.  I have a solution!  Yes I know you figured you were screwed again.  Look it's really simple all you have to do is a little planning and buy a freaking plane ticket and go away!  Travel with strangers feel no pressure be who ever you want.  Heck make shit up as you go along!  Stop feeling guilty.  Look it's not easy but if you plan right now you can be on a plane to some place warm and sunny.  Shit I left one day and didn't go back at all.  I've got internet and I'm good.  Yeah I know you've got a million obligations, I say kick em to the curb.  Throw caution to the wind and buy that ticket you know you want to.  See the world before they blow it up.  Take a cruise! Just find a hidden place with a nice lounge chair and let someone else sweat the holidays.  Oh and don't drink your self silly.  You'll just fell sick afterwards.  Yeah it's sounds crazy but why be normal?  what is normal? to me it's a toasty beach while everyone else is figuring out how to dig out of the latest blizzard.  Let em eat snow!  Yellow snow!