Thursday, March 31, 2016

Revols earbuds a scam or a jam?

I've seen lots of stuff about these so called wonder earbuds called Revols with the magic ear tips that fit to your ear with an app.   You can see more about them here.
The Revols people seem to be doing a lot of traveling on investor money and I have not seen any reviews on this product.  I have not heard anyone at Onkyo indicate they are involved in the product.
I'm just saying is all.  It would be nice to see some prototypes, samples, an update on the product progress.  Or was this a venture capitol tech project that is going to fade away with our money?
Some projects seem to good too be true.  Is this one of those?

Trump Vs. Female Reporter

As almost everyone knows Jeremy Clarkson grabbed a female reporter named Michelle Fields.
I've seen the video as many of you have but I wonder was she getting too close to Mr. Trump?  Was he really so rough with her?  Who violated who's space?   Or is this all a big deal so Ms. Fields can get her 15 minutes of fame?  She had an altercation with a celebrity back in 2011 which landed her a spot on FOX news.  And those bruises on her arm are no worse than I get from a day working in the yard.  It's on video he grabbed her no doubt,  but it was clearly to pull her away.   A low level reporter trying to make a name for herself at the expense of a controversial candidate?
I agree Trump is far from saint hood and has a trash mouth,  but in all fairness was this really such a big deal?  or is Ms. Fields just fishing for her 15 minutes of fame?