Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Australia no more shrimp on the barbie

Recently a story ran about the destruction of reefs in Australia caused by global warming and bleaching of the reefs.  Bleaching is when the reefs die because the temperature of the water is too high.  The reef turns white then dies.  If you should be fortunate enough to go diving or snorkeling then you would see this first hand.  Seeing it on a video really does not instill the death and destruction occurring.  There is no color no life on the reef.  It's like being in a cemetery. The government of Australia does not want the UN to label this a problem because it would cost them a loss of money in tourism.  Maybe they should think what happens if it dies. 

In 1986 I met a professer that was at the UNESCO confrence being held in Indonesia. He said they were there to have a confrence on the enviornment so I told him about the bleaching on the reefs back then that was 30 years ago. I suggested he go diving and see it first hand. I doubt he ever did. Now they are talking more about it having another confrence and making statements and no one is doing a damn thing. The world is full of brilliant people that know how to write a paper and have a confrence and give a lecture. A massive useless bunch of brain power. Those willing to do something just can't seem to gain traction in this world. I'm sorry so many will never see the beauty of the seas. I urge everyone to get out and go diving and see it first hand. It's like being witness to a mass grave. I would cry but it causes my mask to leak.

If you care go dive or snorkel share what see.