Saturday, November 23, 2019

Spray and Wipe at the Gym

It's a silly subject but hey it's on my little mind.  The massive waste of paper towels at the gym as everyone is constantly spraying some colored liquids on everything thinking they are making things sanitary.  I think it's a corporate hoax.  There is nothing in those bottles except maybe and it's a big maybe but I think it's windshield washer fluid.  There is no sanitizing chemicals in that stuff or it would have an odor.  Did you notice it has no odor?  Spray and Spray again.  Some folks are just plain spray crazy and you have to wait 20 minutes for the equipment to dry.  Please someone tell them to drop by my house.  They can spray and wipe all they want.  Start with the toilets, tubs and sinks.  Do some vacuuming that should get the cardio going.  When I first started going to the gym you were supposed to bring your own sweat towel which was usually you mom's dish towel.  Think about it can you imagine Dwayne Johnson running around the gym spraying everything?  People like him usually have their own personal gyms with sweat people like at a tennis match.  Zoom wipe that sweat.  Look it's really simple bring your own freakin towel,  spray one wad of paper towel and see how many times you can reuse it.  Save a tree. That pink stuff in the bottle, well the jury is still out on that since nobody really knows what it is.  Who knows maybe it's like that weed killer and we're all going to die from it.  Now give me two more reps you lazy slug.