Thursday, February 25, 2010

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Stanford Investors Coalition formerly Stanford Victims

Okay now that they have been renamed from Stanford Victims to Stanford Investors let me explain.  That is what they are or at least were.  See if I buy a stock and the company goes backrupt who do I sue?  Should I sue the US government?  GM went bankrupt and I lost my money to that.  So why am I not a victim?
Hence they invested with Stanford Investment Bank not the Stanford Victims Bank. 

Now these bozos want to sue everyone?  and tie up the court sytems?  Who do I sue about that?

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Stanford Victims Coalition

The Stanford Victims Coaltion has been renamed to the Stanford Investors Coalition.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Open Letter to Terry Ward - "Writers to Avoid

Open Letter to Terry Ward

I'll bet you wouldn’t like it if I wrote a story that said "Writers to Avoid" would you? I am offended by your story "Caribbean Islands to Avoid", firstly the story is loosely written and very broad.

The title alone will turn people off from Caribbean Islands. As a well traveled American living in Antigua I find your report shallow and offensive. It looks like you generalized by writing what you have read in the papers about people that have placed themselves in precarious positions.

Would you walk down a dark alley in Thailand? where is your story on Countries to Avoid? Stay away from Haiti? state the obvious why don't you.

Yet you write telling people to avoid Antigua? One of the prettiest and friendliest Islands in Caribbean? Bahamas? what is so bad? Any one of the islands could be dangerous if your brain is on vacation when you travel. There is crime around the globe.

The islands in the Caribbean rely on tourism as a major source of income, yet with one fell swoop of your pen you publish to millions on AOL and who knows where else, and you did so without any first hand knowledge.

Terry Ward, a Writer to Avoid

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Snow Ballz

Cabin Fever?  Shut in? Snowed under, leave the house now and head to Antigua!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Beware of Sarah Palin

Remember the days of George Bush?  Remember his last few days?  Remember the mess he left to the new President? 
Well if you forgot get ready for Return of the dull Replublican!  It's George Bush in a skirt!  George Bush all over again.!!!!

The ICE Queen Sarah Palin

A scary thing happened last night as Sarah Palin spoke at this radical group called the "Tea Party" It wouldn't be so bad if they understood the meaning of the tea party. Let me sum it up "No Taxation without representation" Man one thing we are not short of these days is representation. That's all they want to do these days is represent us. And the daffy Tea Party people won't have it. Okay fine let them throw themselves in the harbor.
Next scary thought is Sarah says she might run in 2012. Hey that's just great as long as she runs back to Alaska. Let us be realistic here, If you thought George Bush was internationally challenged wait till Sarah gets in the white house. Talk about Alienation of other countries. If you think they hate us now wait till she gets in office. Lets get real, how can she lead when she can't even get a good hair cut. Fashion jokes aside, do we want another GW leading us to another financial breakdown? Does she understand the Nobel Peace prize is not another beauty contest.
Then again the Taliban might not attack if we show them videos of her out hunting. Finally they will realize that America truly is full of crazy people. If we elect her it would be proof.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Fake Crime in Antigua

There are reports of massive crime in Antigua. Let me tell you first hand these reports are false. Anyone that lives in any big city has more crime per hour than Antigua has in a year. Many of the so called neighboring Islands are spreading rumors of crime to steal the cruise and tourism industries. I tell you don't go to those Islands. Their crimes rates are soaring and they are just covering up with good marketing and PR. Antigua is perfectly safe and is extreemly nice place to vacation. No place on earth can promise you a crime free vacation so why are these other so called neighbors spreading rumors?

Come to Antigua, have a great time, go home and tell your friends. For a totally safe vacation stay away from places that you would not go to in your own home. Don't walk down strange "Nature Trails" we don't have any. Don't go down unlit alley ways. Do not wander off, you are a visitor and we value your business.