Monday, February 8, 2010

The ICE Queen Sarah Palin

A scary thing happened last night as Sarah Palin spoke at this radical group called the "Tea Party" It wouldn't be so bad if they understood the meaning of the tea party. Let me sum it up "No Taxation without representation" Man one thing we are not short of these days is representation. That's all they want to do these days is represent us. And the daffy Tea Party people won't have it. Okay fine let them throw themselves in the harbor.
Next scary thought is Sarah says she might run in 2012. Hey that's just great as long as she runs back to Alaska. Let us be realistic here, If you thought George Bush was internationally challenged wait till Sarah gets in the white house. Talk about Alienation of other countries. If you think they hate us now wait till she gets in office. Lets get real, how can she lead when she can't even get a good hair cut. Fashion jokes aside, do we want another GW leading us to another financial breakdown? Does she understand the Nobel Peace prize is not another beauty contest.
Then again the Taliban might not attack if we show them videos of her out hunting. Finally they will realize that America truly is full of crazy people. If we elect her it would be proof.

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