Monday, September 29, 2014

Who is worse?

Are we bad people for having to go in to kill people that want nothing more than to slaughter us?
As a so called civilized people we are now confronted with a group that has decided their can only be their way or the dead way.  Follow them or die.  Even if you leave them alone they will come for us.
All this in the name of the Lord?  I know of no god that instructs followers to go out and murder others.  Usually that would be a cult of devil worshipers.

Is there a way to bring this stage in our civilization to an end in a civilized manner?  How does this one group justify the mass murder of innocent people that have never done them wrong, did not even know they existed until a few days before.  Many whom already follow the ways of the Muslim religion yet they just don't do it the ISIL way. 
Why is there something so very wrong with this scenario?  what is driving this madness to murder?

Friday, September 26, 2014

Can there be peace

Can there be peace is a question we've been asking for thousands of years.  Let's keep asking it.  I wonder could there be peace between ISIL and the rest of the world?  When a group slaughters people by the hundreds and thousands just because they will not follow their way?
Is that a reasonable expectation from on human to another? 
Cold brutal beheadings,  people executed because they will not follow the laws their enslavers claim is the will of some deity.  They yell in the name of Allah? I sincerely do not believe Allah would send people out to perform executions.
In order for their to be peace reasonable people must agree to be reasonable. 

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Death Grip of Life

No matter how hard I try I can't shake the feeling that the terror is going to spread from the lunatics running around in the desert believing they have been wronged. 
Beheadings and mass genocide will get you the worlds attention but it will get it for you the wrong way.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

We are FUBAR

Dear fellow readers and writers due to the world governments failure to act on Ebola, climate change and ISIS our life spans have been cut short.  I would like to thank everyone that participates here and will now be taking a one day at a time approach to life.
When world food shortages begin I will be following extreme measure and being to eat the rich first.  Just 30 years ago we saw movies like The Andromeda Strain and Soy-lent Green.  I'm just waiting now for the Zombie uprising and the Alien invasion.  If we are lucky a meteor will hit and put us out of our misery.     Sorry just feeling very over whelmed by the lack of response by so called leaders of the world.  In the event I need a human shield I will be using my elected officials.   Do the math, in less than 4 months the outbreak has consumed 4 nations and exceeded a million people.  Estimating that the numbers are wrong by a factor of 3 I would say we have about 6 months before it goes global.

At that time just like any bad horror movie panic outbreaks will occur and from there it's a rapid slide down hill.

Small pockets of people will survive and I wish them the best and hope they can rebuild a better civilization. 


I'm not sure what to call them.

They Sky is falling

Looks like the world is falling apart these days.
Global warming
Crisis in the middle east again

I think of all the things that are going to be the end of us I'm kicking back and waiting for the Zombies.

Steal this picture

I took this picture all by myself with my very own camera and if you want to copy I ask only one small favor and that you tell them I took the photo.  Remember I am a pirate and if you steal from me I will steal something from you.

Just a nice day

Sometimes the internet just needs a picture of a nice day.
So here it is.