Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Are you feeling invisible?

Come the holiday season many people feel invisible.  It's like no one sees you.  You walk into a store and nobody asks if you would like help finding something.  You go to a family gathering and might as well not be there.   Or you just feel that way all the time?
No I'm not going to sell you a bunch of self help books.  I don't have any. 
What I do have is a very small bunch of simple things you can try to become visible.  Let the world notice you. 
Hit the barber shop, beauty salon.  You need to look good to feel good.  Invest a few bucks in your appearance.
Some nice clothes,  no not your favorite T-shirt from a concert you went to with the date that dumped you. It could be a sport shirt get a nice bright color. NO not a navy blue.  How about a nice blue?  Stay away from muted colors or colors that make you look sick and washed out.  Peach is a bad color for white people.  Slacks guys not jeans, black or navy is fine but well pressed.  They should be the proper length and your butt crack and underwear should be covered properly.  I hope those undies are clean. 
Shoes, please not your favorite pair of broken in boat shoes, or your Air Jordan's.  Get a nice pair of casual shoes not clown shoes.   
Socks, don't forget socks.  I suggest new clean socks not the ones you pulled off the pile and sniffed.  Face it your probably nose blind.
Colognes or perfumes, should be light in color so they will be light in scent.  Now spray the air and walk into it. I said spray not a shower.   Something woodsy yes I know you like that over powering vanilla stuff but trust me you want a hint of scent you don't want to gag people.

Good your almost ready for a test drive, but we've got to do something about that posture.
Stop slouching stand up like a boss. Yes I said like a boss.  Enter a room pause don't stick your nose in the air just look around like you are the master/mistress of all that you survey.   Don't spend to much time doing this and don't be cocky about it either.  Remember your in control, just the right amount of confidence to project control.  Now coast into the room,  slide across the floor with control don't bounce on you toes.  Walk with purpose but not urgency.  Greet people with a gentle smile the day is yours and you know it. 

Practice, till you get the response it will come.  You can't rush it. 

You look marvelous and you feel better about yourself already. 

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