Friday, January 29, 2010

Blogging about blogging hummm pretty ironic Meanwhile Sailing week in Antigua is on target I just hope all the spring breakers don't dink up all the beer.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Obama Speaks

Okay so there was a State of the Onion address last night. The resident president said a bunch of stuff, the repulisve republicans said he lies, and they will oppose everything.
And if you boil it down it was Blah, Blah, Blah again......
Actually interups my TV viewing. Yadda, Yadda, Yadda.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Spring Break In Antigua and Barbuda

I hear there is a company called Viscount Enterprises Ltd. that is selling Spring Breakers trips to Antigua and Barbuda. This sounds great, finally a destination out of the norm. A place that is most famous for the parties into the early morning hours. Parties where people know how to have a great time and behave themselfs. Antigua is notorious for its Limes (Parties), that run into the next day. World class beaches, great music and awsome food I wish I was of age to attend.
Naturally these kids better be on their best as I hear the Antiguan Police force is not to be messed with and the prision is from the days of the British occupation. So it's not exactly the place you want to spend even a few hours. Just remember to say AnTeee Gaaa Do not say AnteegWa! or the taxi driver will charge you more. Spring Break 2010 Antigua! Gotta get me one of those T-Shirts! Imagine being part of the first offical Spring Break in AnteeeeeGaaaa!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Travel Naked

Traveling naked has got to be the next big thing as the airlines literally put you up against the wall and mug you. So you packed a bag or two because your gonna be away awhile and think you have your trip all planned out. You arrive at the airport all set to go and bam stick em up! You've got Luggage.
You know the nerve of you carrying stuff. How can the airlines make extra money if you bring a bag. I'll bet you didnt know American Airlines had an Air Cargo division did you? Go ahead and see how much one suit case would cost you to ship. It's cheaper then taking it with you.
It's actually a better deal to ship your bag then take them with you. They check in faster, less security hassels and they are guaranteed to be there waiting for your or a full 100% refund on certain services.
Now don't bother to go to the website to try and find out how much this niffty little deal costs, because you can't until you are ready to actually book it. But I am sure you will at least break even and get better service, and if they loose your stuff you can collect much more than regular bags. Oh and it won't get beat about as bad.
Think this is funny? Consider shipping your clothes 3 days ahead via UPS and save your self all the hassels. Okay the card board box may not look like Gucci bags but if you ship it whos gonna know.
Fight back, Travel Naked and take nothing with you.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Good News on Planet Earth today

The US military fixed part of the dock in Haiti so now the ships can unload. The road had raised up over 5 feet make it completly unpassable at the time. Now trucks can move in and out to pick up the supplies.
While the number of deaths and injuries are tragic there is a clear lesson of learning to be had from this for everyone not only for Haitians. The first person on the scene is you and me, not those rescuers with all the fancy gear. Keep in mind that many of Haiti's rescuers were among those that died.
So you ask what should I do? Poor little me? From 9-11 to Haiti and Asia Tsunami victims we learn like a Boy Scout "Be prepared", have your little box of supplies ready and don't count on the governments. You make fun of the government, you hate the government what makes you think they are going to save you any faster than if you want them to do civil servant work?
It took the US 3 days to get help to its own people, if they can't do it right what makes you think someone else can?
As for what your emergency kit should contain I suggest you check with the Red Cross since they are the only ones that seem to know how to handle these situations.
As for being stuck in an Earth Quake, well it's still a toss up do you run outside or stay inside? Not really any choice you do the best you can. When the earth starts rocking my knees start knocking.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Antiguan Pirates of the Caribbean Hate site

You have to love to hate the bloggers that put up hate sites.

On the side of the page they put up this nonsense about Antigua. I am sure this was written by someone that is not a lawyer and is completly clueless. But hey he went to Antigua got drunk fell on his face and thinks he knows whats going on.

The below is copied from the hate site listed above. It is not the opinion of this site and is only here to demonstrate how people make things up.
With a history of expropriating property owned by U.S. citizens, (Such a lie)the Government of Antigua has breached several international treaties and specifically the Caribbean Basin Initiative.(Be reminded Antigua is a soverign nation) By refusing to deal with compensation for the "forced acquisition," Antigua is now abandoning the last remedy it may have for any international redemption. (Talk about needing international redemption, I think George Bush pissed off everyone when he went after his WMDs that didnt exsist. Talking about calling names)
Not even Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez (Looks like all Americans are pissed Antigua has a good relationship with Chavez). confiscates the property of private foreign investors without compensating them. Even Chavez, who seems intent on inculcating his socialist dogma in his country, knows that if you are going to claim exigent circumstances and launch a compulsory acquisition, there must be some consideration of compensation at fair market value.
(Just a really large FYI here folks, the land he is talking about was bought by Stanford for pennies on the dollar because it is a rock in the middle of the ocean. Then in a scheme Stanford through a shell company sold the land to himself at an inflated price this allowing him to inflate the value of dirt to investors. The investors new belive they have land worth 5 times that of dirt. Talk about crazy)

About that Antigua Hate site

Sorry I did not get my comments to post properly -- here we go...

I guess unless you write hate mail about Antigua your post dissapears?
Stanford is a US Citizen, it was US Law makers that allowed him to conduct a Ponzi, Not Antigua. The money is not in Antigua. The Bank of Antigua was and still is solvent as required by ECCB regulations. Bank of Antigua had nothing to do with Stanford Investment Bank which by the way was run out of the US Virgin Islands and Texas. It was Florida Regulators that allowed him to take bags of money on private jets against federal banking regulations. It was the SEC that allowed him to operate. It was the republican party that protected him. Notice how once the Democrates took office within 28 days Stanford was in trouble.
Stanford is not wanted in Antigua he has not broken any laws here. He does owe alot of people money and alot of people have lost jobs and pay because of this. The government took control of land assests within the boundries of the law. Stanford should have never been able to buy certain lands in the first place. The government has never denied that there will be monies due. However at this point in time if I recall my US law correctly Stanford has not been convicted of anything yet, he has only been charged so legally all the businesses are still his.
As for the alleged murder, no one has been tried or convicted any place except in the media.
Oh my there is crime in Antigua, and there was Allen Stanford. Well there was George Bush in the White House for 8 years with Dick Chaney!
Go investigate Haliburton if you want some big money dirt.
Antigua a rouge state? Thats a joke at best, I guess you missed the elections, PM Baldwin Spencer was re-elected.
Go ahead delte my posts, you are just afraid of the truth.

Hate blogging about Antigua

Here is an interesting where it seems the owner of the blog has a hate on for Antigua.

So in response I will be posting some comments in response here.
You might call it mini-blog wars.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Boycotting Antigua Just don't

I keep reading this blog something aobut pirates of the caribbean that makes me really sick by this group of people that keep crying they lost some money when investing with Ponzi guy Allen Stanford. So now they want to sue Antigua and Boycott it.
Okay lets get the facts straight, Allen Stanford is a US Citizen, his company was based in Texas, he got Florida regulators to look the other way so he could fly out with bags of your money.
When the SEC finally woke up and looked at his records they found dozens of us politicans on the take. So far Antiguans did nothing wrong because legally he was bringing what appeared to be clean American dollars. Sorry if they were yours but thats the risk you take when you invest.

He flew out with your money went to Antigua then a bunch of Land for next to nothing and inflated the price to 5 times it's actual value and you want your money back? General Motors took money too go sue them. Then they took bail out money so they took your money twice.
So Stanford arrived in Antigua with a bunch of money that you let him take and that is Antigua's fault? Oh what sour grapes, what a bunch of sore loosers, big cry babies. I guess you are all new to investing. Must be because you put all your eggs in one basket.
Humm hey why not boycott New York with Bernie Maydoff, he Maydoff with your money too.

So here you have the truth, an American stole from Americans using American law promised Americans big returns and spent the money in Antigua. The SEC let him go on, the Florida Banking regulators let him go on, so how did it become Antigua's fault? The little tiny third world country with half a dozen regulators were supposed to know he was stealing money in another country?
Plaaaeeezzzeeeee, suck it up