Friday, January 22, 2010

Good News on Planet Earth today

The US military fixed part of the dock in Haiti so now the ships can unload. The road had raised up over 5 feet make it completly unpassable at the time. Now trucks can move in and out to pick up the supplies.
While the number of deaths and injuries are tragic there is a clear lesson of learning to be had from this for everyone not only for Haitians. The first person on the scene is you and me, not those rescuers with all the fancy gear. Keep in mind that many of Haiti's rescuers were among those that died.
So you ask what should I do? Poor little me? From 9-11 to Haiti and Asia Tsunami victims we learn like a Boy Scout "Be prepared", have your little box of supplies ready and don't count on the governments. You make fun of the government, you hate the government what makes you think they are going to save you any faster than if you want them to do civil servant work?
It took the US 3 days to get help to its own people, if they can't do it right what makes you think someone else can?
As for what your emergency kit should contain I suggest you check with the Red Cross since they are the only ones that seem to know how to handle these situations.
As for being stuck in an Earth Quake, well it's still a toss up do you run outside or stay inside? Not really any choice you do the best you can. When the earth starts rocking my knees start knocking.

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