Thursday, January 21, 2010

Antiguan Pirates of the Caribbean Hate site

You have to love to hate the bloggers that put up hate sites.

On the side of the page they put up this nonsense about Antigua. I am sure this was written by someone that is not a lawyer and is completly clueless. But hey he went to Antigua got drunk fell on his face and thinks he knows whats going on.

The below is copied from the hate site listed above. It is not the opinion of this site and is only here to demonstrate how people make things up.
With a history of expropriating property owned by U.S. citizens, (Such a lie)the Government of Antigua has breached several international treaties and specifically the Caribbean Basin Initiative.(Be reminded Antigua is a soverign nation) By refusing to deal with compensation for the "forced acquisition," Antigua is now abandoning the last remedy it may have for any international redemption. (Talk about needing international redemption, I think George Bush pissed off everyone when he went after his WMDs that didnt exsist. Talking about calling names)
Not even Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez (Looks like all Americans are pissed Antigua has a good relationship with Chavez). confiscates the property of private foreign investors without compensating them. Even Chavez, who seems intent on inculcating his socialist dogma in his country, knows that if you are going to claim exigent circumstances and launch a compulsory acquisition, there must be some consideration of compensation at fair market value.
(Just a really large FYI here folks, the land he is talking about was bought by Stanford for pennies on the dollar because it is a rock in the middle of the ocean. Then in a scheme Stanford through a shell company sold the land to himself at an inflated price this allowing him to inflate the value of dirt to investors. The investors new belive they have land worth 5 times that of dirt. Talk about crazy)

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