Wednesday, June 1, 2016

America's political Joke on the world

A big retarded nation is about to vote for a new political leader and all of them are damaged goods except one and unfortunately he's not leading to get the nomination.
Let's look at Donald Trump okay you really don't have to physically look at him but examine what he's done.  He's proved that the media is his puppet and the mass population is hypnotized by their media be it TV or smart phone or what ever sources they get information from.  He spews nonsense, does unreasonable things and everyone just goes "Oh it's just Donald, so it's okay", and then he wins. tell me that's not messed up.  I don't think he ever thought he would get this far.  Any descent candidate never even got close to being nominated.  Then there was Ted Cruz this is anomaly of unexplainable proportions. The man has done nothing for the last 8 years, caused the shut down of the government at a cost of 42 billion dollars.  Runs around waving the bible like he actually believes it and people keep re-electing him.  I sincerely think there is something in the drinking water.

As for Hillary Clinton, the closest she should ever get near the White House again is as a tourist. This is nothing more than an opportunist looking for the Oval Office. The only reason she moved to NY was because they had the shortest residency requirements.  Voting for her because of her gender is crazy at best. As any of her supporters what she's done to deserve the office and none of them can tell you a single thing she's accomplished. No she did not get health care approved, she tried but not even close. People were more concerned with who Bill was sleeping with and the answer was everyone except Hillary. 

That leaves us with Bernie Sanders. I got nothing bad to say about this guy except he should have run as an independent.  His career might not be stellar but he's stuck to his principals his entire life.  Folks like to call him a "Socialist" like it's a bad thing but really it's not.  If you look at America it's a Socialist Democracy.  We have tons of social programs starting with 'Social Security', police, fired, schools, public works and the list goes on.  All those things you love and take for granted are social programs. But it's not free and the next time some rich person tells you Social Security is free remind them you paid for that your whole life and now it's your turn to get some.

I have to get back to work now so just save my space or add your comments.

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