Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Mr. Robot

My favorite show Mr. Robot is on again I hope your all watching it.  I know it's a bit strange and not what you actually expected. 
Is what is happening in that show real or possible?  Maybe and probably but most likely.
Are you in danger of getting infected?  Probably.
Is there anything you can do to prevent it?  Yes don't open the email mail that says you won the Nigerian Lottery.  You didn't go to Nigeria did you?  did you buy a lottery ticket?  so then how could you win the lottery?  if you open it or send someone money then you deserve to get infected.
The best way to protect yourself from getting infected is unplug the computer and sink it in a block of cement.   Let the cement dry then toss it into the ocean and make a reef.  The fish will love you.

I suggest you all stock up now on essentials.  Most of you don't know how to survive without the internet for more than a few minutes anyhow.  Those of us that are older remember what live was like before the internet.  We used to talk to each other face to face.  It's pretty scary but we survived. 

I have to go now and unplug stuff around the house.  I'm worried they will hack my toaster and make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches without me knowing and then I'd be stuck with all those sandwiches.  I like PB&J but I can only eat so much which means I'd have to give away a lot of sandwiches which might not be a bad thing. 

Oh and if you have a smart TV I wonder who is watching who?

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