Tuesday, July 12, 2016

In light of the recent shootings I have an idea for drivers

In light of the recent shootings I have an idea for drivers.
How about changing the way we present the documents to a digital system? Something like a Toll Pass on the dash? You get into your car and you slip your electronic Id into the visor. The officer scans the id looks at your face for a match all while you hold on to the steering wheel. Then an electronic ticket is sent to you. Nobody died in the writing of this post.

Look it's not very personal but it would cut down on the officers fears and the drivers would feel more secure too and won't get dragged out of the car unless the cop has a really good excuse like a dash cam video of you weaving in and out of traffic over the speed limit.

As long as the driver matches the photo from the electronic Id there should be no reason to drag him/her out of the car if all the things match up and are in order.

Lets take it one more step,  you need to plug your device in once a week so it gets up dated and verified.
Okay that's my suggestion for today.  I'll try to have another idea soon.

The Wild West

I wonder why other countries are trying to blow up Americans?  Americans seem to be doing quite a good job of blowing themselves up these days. 

It's like they can't go to the bathroom without a gun.  It's my biggest fear is to die while taking a crap and go with my pants around my ankles before I get a chance to wipe.  It's just crazy everyone and anyone can get a gun go out and shoot people.  Okay true the police will come and shoot you or blow you up with a robot but you got your "Gun Off".  

I'm basically confused why people feel the need to shoot each other.  Is there some cheap thrill in watching someone drop?  You realize there is no reset button.  If you shoot people some of them will shoot back at you.  Usually the police do this.  recently they used a robot and just let it blow the guy up.  So lets see one gunman takes on a police force of 59,000?  not really good odds.  He didn't go in peace he left in pieces.  Did you notice that after these gun nuts are killed they all have physic logical problems?  They probably did. 

Hi honey I'm going out for some milk and shoot a few neighbors.   Yep they crazy no question about it. 

So look if your goal in life is to be blown up do it yourself in a corner someplace that you won't hurt others.  I see no need to take others with you.  Really we don't want to join you.  Your on your own on this one..

Those damn Cookies

European Union laws require you to give European Union visitors information about cookies used on your blog. In many cases, these laws also require you to obtain consent.

Why do I have to tell people in Europe about cookies on my site?  are they such pussies that they can't handle a few good cookies?  Now that the UK has left the EU do I still have to tell them?

Mr. Robot

My favorite show Mr. Robot is on again I hope your all watching it.  I know it's a bit strange and not what you actually expected. 
Is what is happening in that show real or possible?  Maybe and probably but most likely.
Are you in danger of getting infected?  Probably.
Is there anything you can do to prevent it?  Yes don't open the email mail that says you won the Nigerian Lottery.  You didn't go to Nigeria did you?  did you buy a lottery ticket?  so then how could you win the lottery?  if you open it or send someone money then you deserve to get infected.
The best way to protect yourself from getting infected is unplug the computer and sink it in a block of cement.   Let the cement dry then toss it into the ocean and make a reef.  The fish will love you.

I suggest you all stock up now on essentials.  Most of you don't know how to survive without the internet for more than a few minutes anyhow.  Those of us that are older remember what live was like before the internet.  We used to talk to each other face to face.  It's pretty scary but we survived. 

I have to go now and unplug stuff around the house.  I'm worried they will hack my toaster and make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches without me knowing and then I'd be stuck with all those sandwiches.  I like PB&J but I can only eat so much which means I'd have to give away a lot of sandwiches which might not be a bad thing. 

Oh and if you have a smart TV I wonder who is watching who?