Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Blogging about Blogging

Today I got an email that wanted to tell me about things I should do in order to blog.  Okay so looking for ways to improve my blog I went, and was bombarded with ads for blogging, where to blog, what to write and how to write it.  I learned something very important especially about my blog which is a special blog.  See my blog is not about what you might think, what you might want it to be.  It's about what's on my mind at the moment.  And being tricked into going to blog that just hammers you with popups and other obnoxious forms of advertising well that's what's on my mind.

This blog may never be famous, but it lets me get off what's on my mind and what's left of it.  What you won't find here is advise on how to blog.  If you want to blog then just do it.  Someone will find it interesting,  some will find it annoying, others will just post troll messages trying to pick a fight.  I guess that's what Trolls do.  They live under bridges and poke at you from time to time just being annoying.  #sex,  I stick that in to see how many times my blog will get noticed since I mentioned #sex.  Now that I've got the blogger thing out of my system I guess I can just continue on and write about anything no matter if it's important.

I would however like to write about time travel next, and discuss if we go back in time what would I be doing instead of this?  Imagine if I don't like my story I can just start over.

Again I have no idea where this blog is going but I'm hanging on tight.

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