Thursday, May 23, 2019

Microsoft Blows Chunks

The end of the Windows 10 phone is closing in on us.

It's like getting punched in the throat, you spend a ton of money on a phone then they drop it after making all kinds of advertising claims.  It was even the go to phone on Hawaii Five Oh so for a while it was cool.  But then they tucked tail and ran because they couldn't or wouldn't compete with Android and those Apples in their New Balance.

I think Microsoft should reimburse everyone who bought one of their phones looking forward to all the great things they promised.  Now they want you to install a ton of their apps on your Android and Apple phones to pretend you still have a Microsoft phone.

I'm buying my next laptop without an OS and installing Ubuntu.  I'm going to punch Microsoft in the throat and see how they like it.  Lower their overinflated stock

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