Monday, September 16, 2019

Will the Democrates re-elect Trump?

Will the Democrates re-elect Trump?  It's an odd questions will the opposition get the resident president re-elected but the way things are going it will probably just happen.  Joe is the one of the oldest candidates with Bernie leading the age pack.  It's a strange world we live in, where a giant pervert that sits around playing with his phone all day is leading one of the most power nations on earth.  Certainly there is a sinister plot at work probably Putin to destabilized America.   Looks like it's happening to the UK also.  Instead of focusing on global warming and feeding the people the tyrants are out stealing everyone's money and driving the planet into oblivion.   If you think I'm crazy they why is that Musk guy so hell bent on getting to mars or anyplace he get off this rock.
Live while you can the future is an illusion, sorry to disappoint.  I fear we might be doomed if this guy stays in office.

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