Wednesday, September 18, 2019

People that hover at the #gym

Don't ya just want to smash those people that hover over you while you're doing sets on a machine.  They are not even serious work out people it's just they've got it in their little minds that your on their machine and their working a circuit so you are in their way.  They don't even ask if they can work in.  They just stand and hover and stare.  Yesterday this girl stood with her hands on her hips like OMG will you ever get off the machine.  Now if you do that do me it just motivates me to do more sets slowly at a heavier weight.  Damn my legs hurt today but she was really pissed.  And of course I left the pin at the higher weight.  And to make things worse I didn't spray and wipe.  I bring a towel and had the towel on the machine.  So next time you want to use a machine trying asking if you can work in.  Don't ask that stupid question, "Are you done?"  No I'm resting between sets you doofus.   It's time for people to learn gym etiquette.   If you are a regular you acknowledge the other regulars.  It's not an invite for a social gathering unless you actually know me.  And guys don't stare it's rude.  Bring a freaking towel they cost a dollar at Wal-Mart,  Stop wasting those paper towels.  And if you must spray don't over spray that crap is watered down so much I don't think it kills anything.  Build up your immune system take some vitamins.   And for goodness sake put the weights back when you are done.  Ladies leaving the 5lb dumb bell in the middle of the gym makes you the dumb bell.  If you have to drop the weights it's too heavy for you and no one is impressed.  Unless your a professional body builder all that yelling and grunting is totally unnecessary and just proves you don't know how to breath properly.   If you see someone on a bench don't stand in front of them so you can see yourself in the mirror.  It's not there for to pose it's there for you to check your form and make sure you are doing the exercise correctly.  

This is all very serious especially this part,  wash your damn clothes.  No they do not look better and damn they stink as do you.   Now stop talking on your phone, and if you must take it outside I'm focused on my jams and concentrating on not dropping the weights on your stupid iPhone.

Now go have a good workout.

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