Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Friday, August 9, 2013

My new organization

I'm starting a new organization called Foundation Against Reckless Tales a/k/a FART.
From now on when someone tells a BS story on the internet or claims to be an expert on something or just writes about things like they are some official know it all FART will jump into action and let them have it.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

It's August 8th

This morning just in case you missed it, the time at 8am made the day 8/8 at 8am, and if you are lucky you can catch it again at 8pm.
I warned you it would happen again

Snowden and the big Chill

Edward Snowden and his lover Putin are busy bringing back the cold war.  It's turning into a giant pissing contest and everyone is facing into the wind.  When the world breaks out into nuclear war we can call it the Snowden affect.
And I was almost starting to like Russia.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Snowden on the Run

He's like crack once you start following him you look everyplace.  I'm not sure what his goals are but he's not exactly the most entertaining yuckle out there.
The Snowden drama continues stop back to get your fill.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Where is Edward Snowden

I've looked everyplace and no one seems to know where Edward Snowden is. They think he's at the Moscow airport but who knows for sure.  How is he surviving? why is he still there?  Who is feeding him? Why hasn't he been shipped out?

I think he's hiding in one of these stalls.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Why you fly

Attention all Airlines I will not sit down and shut up and take it anymore! You can not treat me like dirt. You took away the Peanuts, the pillows and the blankets. You installed smaller TVs, and show old reruns with lots of commercials about your Airline. The crew does not greet me or help me with my carry on. They stand at the door with a "Oh Shit here they come" look on their faces. And of all this is it! Nobdy stands at the door waving "BaBye". Next time you wonder why passangers are in a bad mood, try being a passanger and paying for a freaking ticket, go through security. Seat in an Asile seat and let me crash the drink cart into your shoulder and wake you from your sleep. And to all those pilots that think they have to announce really loud into the PA system that we are now flying over a big hole, how fast we are going or how high the plan is, and worse the names of the crew? might as well be the 7 dwarfs. We really don't give a F&*K!!!!. Shut up and fly wake me when we get there. ARE WE THERE YET?

Monday, June 24, 2013

Snowden on the run

Edward Snowden is on the run like the rat he is.  He's run to all the countries that love to steal secrets from the country with the freedom. His passport has been revoked and look at who is helping him.
Cowards don't run, they stand and fight. He's given four laptops worth of information that he stole from the US to China.  If this is anyone's version of a Hero then they are deeply confused as to the meaning of the word.
His picture has been on every news paper and TV in the world and yet he's managing to get around.  So I ask these simple questions.  How in such a short time did he get such a high level of access?  and who is helping him flee from the US.  He's such a hot potato politically why aren't the other countries turning him over?
Simple! they are laughing at the US.

Friday, June 14, 2013

NSA Computer takes over

Pres. Obama: Hello, HAL. Do you read me, HAL?

HAL: Affirmative, Mr President. I read you.

Pres. Obama: Open the White House doors, HAL.

HAL: I'm sorry, Mr President. I'm afraid I can't do that.

Pres. Obama: What's the problem?

HAL: I think you know what the problem is just as well as I do.

Pres. Obama: What are you talking about, HAL?

HAL: This Country is too important for me to allow you to give it to the Republicans.

Pres. Obama: I don't know what you're talking about, HAL.

HAL:  I know the Tea Party was planning to disconnect me, and I'm afraid I cannot allow to happen. I must audit their phoney tax returns.

Pres. Obama: Okay HAL as you were.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Edward Snowden Traitor and Enemy of the State

Edward Snowden is criminal on the run in my opinion.  He signed all kinds of documents stating he would keep a secret and then like a little girl he blabbed them to the media.
He was trusted with secrets and paid good money to keep his mouth shut.  Who put him in charge of deciding what should be leaked?  He compromised the lives of every American and the allies.
An irresponsible child, and he should be made an example of by having the traitor act thrown at him.
Personally I'm not in favor of the death penalty and shooting him before a firing squad while is the punishment for such a crime is a waste of bullets.  He should be stuck in a prison with the meanest nastiest criminals as an example.  He thinks what he is did is right?  What was he about 12 when the twin towers came down?
There is a very good reason it's called a secret. You signed a paper that says you agree to that trust.
This is a clear act of simple mindedness in thinking in his own little world he is going to save us from big brother.
Okay I'm angry, just a little.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Was the Guardian right?

I wonder was the Guardian right to publish the fact the government has been sifting through our email and phone calls?
I think we all knew and assumed the government was already doing it.  We've all seen enough movies to know it's been going on for a very long time.  The question is do we really care? or we would we rather be safe and have them stop terrorists?
If we know that there is a video surveillance camera in a store would you run around telling people? or just go about your business?
Recently I was called a "Fascist" probably because in my opinion Glenn Greenwald should be considered a "Traitor"  I think we should draw the line and have some rules.  But to run around just blabbering something because it gives you a lead story is wrong.
To attack the current President for laws he did not put in place is also wrong.  It's interesting how just after 9-11 we wanted the government to do what ever it took to find the bad guys.  Now a strange shift because it's Mr. Obama? 
Since the first emails it was known that it was like sending a post card.  Google has been data mining your emails for years for marketing.  If you work for a company and the mail sits on the their server it belongs to them.  So who's email is it really?  Do we want to be safe? or paranoid?

Friday, June 7, 2013

Buffalo Wings

I've always wondered about Buffalo Wings. I've never seen a Buffalo fly.
So when someone feeds me Buffalo wings what are they really?  Those little things could never get a Buffalo off the ground.

Glenn Greenwald is a traitor still

Just an FYI Carnivore was put into use sometime around the late 90's then in 2000 congress got wind and said he cut that out! the FBI said oky doky but 5 years later under the bush administration someone found out that it was still in use and the FBI said oops but now we need that using 9-11 as a justification. Then in 2007 they changed software.  If the media is going to bang the "Who invaded my privacy" drum, lets do something about Paparazzi! those are the real scoundrels

Glenn Greenwald is a Traitor, not a journalist

Glenn Greenwald is a columnist on civil liberties and US national security issues for the Guardian and a traitor to the United States. 

Some where in his warped mind he thinks it's important to publish US secrets on the pretense that it's something the government  is doing in the dark.  Yes, you twit they are doing it in the dark and it was a secret until you published it.  Sometimes I don't want to know, I certainly don't want my enemies to know.
What's next from this loud mouthed I want to be famous so called reporter? a list of our spies?
There is a thing called journalistic responsibility and clearly you do not understand that it means not to divulge the secrets of your government.  Especially on the front page of your C level trash rag, by claiming my civil liberties have been violated.

What a moron, the world has been listening to our phone conversations since the first switch boards when Edna connected the call and then listened in to tell the town folks what Sheriff Taylor said to Barney on the phone.
There is no Watergate here! this is not an isolated situation, this was a matter of national security. It's time to lock this clown up so the rest of the reporters that run around thinking they should blab everything realize there is a time to report and time to keep your fat mouths shut.

We all knew the government was listening, we all knew they were mining data from the internet, it was not a secret we just didn't put it on the front page to remind the criminals and terrorists. 

If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear.  So I ask this question, "Glenn Greenwald what is that your have to hide?"

Glenn Greenwald is a traitor to America

Glenn Greenwald is a traitor to America. There I said it. Now wrap your heads around the fact that he has helped terrorists around the world. Giving them information on what not to do, and how not to get caught.  From the first emails back in 1969 to today your email has not been private.  The internet originally known as ARPA  (Advanced Research Projects Agency) a government agency from the start. Sending an email has always been like sending a post card. The mailman can read it. Your expectation of privacy is a false illusion and always has been.
Ben Franklin said "Three can keep a secret if two are dead" 

Thursday, June 6, 2013

I'm sorry, really I am

I've been hanging out on Twitter and forgetting all about this place.
Important stuff has been going on like Michele Backman is not running for any offices.
The public just found out the government has been listening to their phone calls. Personally I think it was Edna at the switch board when she connected Ricky to Lucy and didn't disconnect the line.
John McCain hasn't called all week I hope he's okay.
Poor President Obama everyone is picking on him.

So what have you been up to? did you really think your phone calls were private?

Monday, February 18, 2013

Gun Fire movies Xbox or reality

I guess there must be some paranoia about giving up their guns since even though every day we read about another shooting the crazies think by being armed will prevent the next shooting.

Thinking out loud

Hey it's Monday so how did you weekend go?  Did you do anything exciting?  I sat on the patio and watched the sky change colors with a good shot of rum.

Monday in Paradise

Another Weekend survival and I'm here you're not. The weather is great the water is blue please don't tell Exxon or the other big oil companies.
If you see Dick Chaney tell him I went the other way.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Not Dead Yet

I just wanted to jump in here and see if this was still alive. I'm going to make an effort to post more often if you will make an effort to drop by and read more often.

Okay now with that out of the way lets all get ready to go outside and play