Friday, June 28, 2013

Why you fly

Attention all Airlines I will not sit down and shut up and take it anymore! You can not treat me like dirt. You took away the Peanuts, the pillows and the blankets. You installed smaller TVs, and show old reruns with lots of commercials about your Airline. The crew does not greet me or help me with my carry on. They stand at the door with a "Oh Shit here they come" look on their faces. And of all this is it! Nobdy stands at the door waving "BaBye". Next time you wonder why passangers are in a bad mood, try being a passanger and paying for a freaking ticket, go through security. Seat in an Asile seat and let me crash the drink cart into your shoulder and wake you from your sleep. And to all those pilots that think they have to announce really loud into the PA system that we are now flying over a big hole, how fast we are going or how high the plan is, and worse the names of the crew? might as well be the 7 dwarfs. We really don't give a F&*K!!!!. Shut up and fly wake me when we get there. ARE WE THERE YET?

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