Friday, June 7, 2013

Glenn Greenwald is a Traitor, not a journalist

Glenn Greenwald is a columnist on civil liberties and US national security issues for the Guardian and a traitor to the United States. 

Some where in his warped mind he thinks it's important to publish US secrets on the pretense that it's something the government  is doing in the dark.  Yes, you twit they are doing it in the dark and it was a secret until you published it.  Sometimes I don't want to know, I certainly don't want my enemies to know.
What's next from this loud mouthed I want to be famous so called reporter? a list of our spies?
There is a thing called journalistic responsibility and clearly you do not understand that it means not to divulge the secrets of your government.  Especially on the front page of your C level trash rag, by claiming my civil liberties have been violated.

What a moron, the world has been listening to our phone conversations since the first switch boards when Edna connected the call and then listened in to tell the town folks what Sheriff Taylor said to Barney on the phone.
There is no Watergate here! this is not an isolated situation, this was a matter of national security. It's time to lock this clown up so the rest of the reporters that run around thinking they should blab everything realize there is a time to report and time to keep your fat mouths shut.

We all knew the government was listening, we all knew they were mining data from the internet, it was not a secret we just didn't put it on the front page to remind the criminals and terrorists. 

If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear.  So I ask this question, "Glenn Greenwald what is that your have to hide?"


Anonymous said...

Love this post.

This has to be one of the greatest examples of everything that is wrong with America, when it's own citizens practically beg to live in a totalitarian state where nothing is private and everything is open to government scrutiny. "If you have nothing to hide then you have nothing to fear?" what a pathetic excuse for an argument. Following that logic then you would have no issue with the government fitting video cameras inside all rooms of your house to check that nothing untoward is going on, such as domestic abuse or drug taking.

As Benjamin Franklin said "Those who would sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither." Wise words. When you think of all the deceit and tyranny governments worldwide have carried out, to trust them as some sort of benign grandfather figure who wont do you any harm so long as you have nothing to hide is simply laughable. If you really believe that the government is trustworthy enough to have access to every area of your life then you might like to investigate the history of the Tuskegee experiments, in which the US Public Health Service, from 1932 to 1972, conducted illegal testing of the STD syphilis on unsuspecting human subjects. “In that experiment,” writes Farid Zakaria of The People’s Blog for the Constitution, “some 600 impoverished African-American men were observed in a study on the progression of untreated syphilis. Some of the men were intentionally infected with the disease and all of them were denied the cure. Regrettably, the report notes, no one was held accountable for this crime against humanity.”

Or did you know that last year, an FOIA request revealed the US army had conducted secret chemical experiments back in the 50s and 60s on residents of towns like St. Louis, Missouri, completely unbeknownst to citizens. The documents confirmed “chemical sprayers on building and station wagons” targeted unsuspecting residents with “the spraying of zinc cadmium sulfide,” a chemical known to cause kidney and bone toxicity and lung cancer.

Furthermore, in 2010, the US government also had to issue an apology after it was revealed that 700 people in Guatemala were intentionally infected with sexually transmitted diseases in the 40s.

A lawsuit last September also claimed the EPA tested the effects of diesel exhaust on human subjects. “EPA actually has pictures of this gas chamber, a clear plastic pipe stuck into the mouth of a subject, his lips sealing it to his face, diesel fumes inhaled straight into the lungs,” American Tradition Institute Environmental Law Center (ATI) lead counsel and director David W. Schnare contended. “…under EPA regulations and under EPA policy, this human experimentation is strictly prohibited.”

Nothing to fear from the US government? Don't make me laugh. Grow some balls and stand up for your republic.

I shall leave you with the words of Thomas Jefferson:

“Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny."

Cybdiver said...

Three can keep a secret if two are dead, a quote from your Ben Franklin. I love the screeching sound made as folks holler about freedom of speech so they can blabber about any and everything. At what point does one say, "We really need to keep that a secret, let's not tell the enemy where our troops are!" As did Geraldo Rivera in the name of the press.
While there and I admit many misgivings by government with secrets, did we really need to put how we look for terrorists on the front page of the news paper?
And so I quote no one from 200 years ago, since our world has changed so much. Yes my friend grow a pair, and grow up. Putting your laundry on the front page of every publication in the world is like painting a target on your backside. Now go pick up your pants.