Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Go ask a Republican

Go ask a republican, Ask them simple questions.
Keystone pipeline make them explain the massive amount of jobs. They can't because the jobs are only temporary. 
Ask them how the affordable health care act hurt the economy, they can't because the cost of health care has gone down. 
Ask them about job growth and they tell you the jobs are not as good. I'll bet in their opinion no job at all was a better idea?
Ask them if war is a good idea, they will tell you yes, then ask them about the Veterans Administration, they'll tell you they were working on it.
Ask them about maintaining the embargo on Cuba, let them explain how that's working out for them.
Ask them why they won't rebuild American infrastructure fixing roads and bridges, which is the real job maker and watch them run away.
Ask them why they accuse people of going on welfare for having unwanted pregnancies and yet they opposed sex education and contraception.
Ask them why have they done nothing towards equal rights for women?  they have no answer at all. 
Ask why they fear same sex marriage and claim it will harm the country, but can't tell you how.
Don't you dare ask them about racial equality they will run away hiding behind their one alleged black friend.
Ask them about climate change, and they deny it's happening as they take off in a private jet.
Ask a Republican any question and see if you get a realist answer, you won't.
Ask a Republican why they keep voting those same tired old white guys into office and it's probably because they don't understand any of the issues I just wrote about. 
Ask a Republican why they keep voting the way their daddy did instead of for a person that will actually do the job.
Ask a republican to name one good thing their party has contributed to the nation in the last 16 years.  Let me know what answer you get.
But we all know there is one reason and one reason only, they fear the President not because he's doing a really good job.  It's all about him being black.  

The cost of electing a black president billions,  the look on the republicans faces when he won "Priceless", when he got re-elected,  "Priceless" 

So here I ask the Republican party to name anything good you've done in the last 16 years.

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