Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Super Cloud Computing is it Harvesting you?

I recently read that some companies are building systems with the cloud as a focus.  Most recently The C4 instances run on Intel Xeon E5-2666 v3 ("Haswell") chips customized exclusively for Amazon, and so the great bookseller is now selling you not just a cloud but their cloud.  What I've experienced using all these clouds is that they are harvesting your information.  Being a Google user I've gotten things like emails telling me I was going to be late for a flight when all I did was email someone my itinerary.  I never told Google when and where I was going yet they alerted me to leave early because of traffic.  Most recently I've been using some cloud services and noticed emails targeting conversations that I've had.  I've clicked on links out of curiosity and suddenly I get more ads on Facebook trying to nail down my interests.

So as a test I created a document that contained certain buzz words and products that I would normally have no need for.  At least things that I was currently not using or looking for.  Sure enough within 24 hours of uploading my document to the clouds I was getting ads and emails steering me towards those products.  Ever since writing my articles around the web on the cloud and it's potential for bad and good I've been inundated with offers to join various clouds.  Clouds for company sharing,  clouds for backups,  and the most annoying of all those clouds that claim to make my life better.  I'm not certain how my life will be better having my personal information floating in cyberspace but I'll upload a bottle of snake oil and see how it works.

Is the cloud good?  Yes, I can access my information without having to tote it around.  It makes my life easier by having access to my information where ever I am.  
Is the cloud bad?  Yes, but it's not evil by intent.  As easily as your computer can be hacked so can your cloud.  Unless you encrypt or use an encrypted service.  That's where your information is scrambled up when stored and descrambled when you ask for it.   Is it fail proof?  will you be totally safe?  No!  Will you be safer?  Yes.  I'll be doing a some research all paid for by people with a lot of money to look into this could thing and it's safety factors.   When I'm finished I'm going to publish a copy of some of my findings right here on my little old blog.  Now don't expect the detailed full report that I'm creating I'll be giving you the free version and as long as it's free for me to run my blog you will never be charged.  How ever I do accept donations.   Just click on the link for the Red Cross and make your donation.  I'm checking with the IRS to see if they will let me deduct it from my taxes.  Probably not because I hear they've been in the cloud too.

Did any of this make sense?   I'll take and answer questions if I can.

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