Thursday, January 8, 2015

JE SUIS CHARLIE Honor the 12- forget the terrorists

Sadly 12 Freedom fighters were killed in France in January 2015.  The Freedom of speech was their weapon.  I think it's important to publish their names and keep their memory alive.  I also am of the opinion that the names of the cowards that committed this crime against humanity should not appear in the press and they should only be referred to as the "Terrorists"
It should become a policy to avoid giving fame to persons that commit should heinous crimes against innocent people.
If there is no fame in their atrocities then it removes the motivation of others to participate.
Only for the purpose of hunting down these animals should their names appear in the papers.  Once captured they should be referred to as "Suspects", after conviction their names should not be mentioned ever again as they are to vanish into obscurity.  
Too often these bottom feeders are turned into hero's and martyrs.  Allow the trash to be thrown out and vanish into obscurity,  let's end our fascination with who they are,  and memorialize only those that have suffered.

So today I ask that you remember the 12 freedom fighters let their names and purpose live on.

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