Friday, June 7, 2013

Glenn Greenwald is a traitor to America

Glenn Greenwald is a traitor to America. There I said it. Now wrap your heads around the fact that he has helped terrorists around the world. Giving them information on what not to do, and how not to get caught.  From the first emails back in 1969 to today your email has not been private.  The internet originally known as ARPA  (Advanced Research Projects Agency) a government agency from the start. Sending an email has always been like sending a post card. The mailman can read it. Your expectation of privacy is a false illusion and always has been.
Ben Franklin said "Three can keep a secret if two are dead" 


Anonymous said...

You're a fascist. Nobody cares.

cybdiver said...

So to not be a "fascist" I should post Anonymously with insulting remarks and allow people to disclose secrets of national security that place our lives at risk?
Do you have an alternative solution, or you just drop by to break wind?

Anonymous said...
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gmyers99 said...

I'm a diehard liberal and I think Edward Snowden is a scumbag traitor and Glen Greenwald is definitely a scumbag and possibly a traitor.

Unknown said...

Glenn Greenwald would not be allowed to walk down the streets in Russia with his boy friend if anyone who does not know Glenn is gay. While America still has intolerance issues gay marriage has come a long way in this country still. He is a hypocrite and I hope some Russian if he ever goes there does confront him about being gay I really hope so. Then Glenn can remember what side he should be on. Glenn and Snowden need to be hammered over the gay issue in Russia right now over and over again. No, let me say this and I don't care, I hope he Glenn gets his ass kicked over there for being gay and thrown in jail. Mean right? Well not as mean as the stunts he has pulled to this country and helping aid people who want to take us down. We the people of America will be the ones that suffer from Glenn and Snowden, this is a domestic issue, the NSA and running to Putin shows who these two men if you want to call them that are. Oh send Snowdens father back to Russia too and let him stay there and anyone other American citizen that thinks doing what these two did is righteous. If anyone can't see the hypocrisy of Glenn Greenwald you are just as sick as him. Even if you don't agree with gays look at the whole thing from the out side. Not a word from Glenn about gays in Russia, how he helped aid some hacker punk who has a father kissing Putins ass who runs a country where being gay can get you beat up and thrown in jail. Snowden is an idiot . As far as the NSA, well, that is a concern but people are still using their cell phones their internet and while complaining about being spied on and worried about being spied on well, their actions sure as hell don't show they are really worried. We need this brought up more for the not so intelligent masses who think Snowden and Glenn are heros. Far from it. Did Glenn forget about the reporter in Russia that came out on TV got fired? A journalist? Assange is a bastard too. He has a show with Russian TV now from a country that has no respect for journalists that expose Putin. They should never be allowed to walk on American soil again ever. Just ban them from this country then and play them on their " America is the most evil country in the world" Sorry for the rant, this subject just infuriates me to no end, more than the NSA right now. And if the NSA is spying on every one, how come people are still getting away with murder? Thanks for this blog.

Unknown said...

One more thing Vladimir Putin has said that he thinks the NSA tactics are just fine, he supports this. So Glenn and Snowden support a country that actually supports the NSA which is what they are so mad about RUN BY A MAN WHO SAID NSA IS OKAY ! THIS just makes me angry as hell. Yet in discussions about this no one every brings this up. Well a few do but not enough. Says a lot about Glenn and Snowden supporters are people losing their minds?? What happened to reasoning? Okay thanks for letting me vent, and glad to know I am not the only person who feels this way. I might even take out a blog on this subject myself and never blogged before . Maddening just maddening!!

Cybdiver said...

When venting is reasonable it's welcome. Personally I do not advocate violence against Snowden or Asange but a long time in jail would set a nice example for those that without thought seek publicity by doing a tell all. Really they are not much above a paparazzi chasing a celebrity throwing out their trash on Sunday morning.

Anonymous said...

Being gay myself (through child abuse by my good catholic father and older brother)this is a very difficult thing to admit. Gay people should not be either allowed to be journalists, soldiers, or play apart in the security services. Given their predisposition to treachery they seem unable to prevent themeselves from weakening their own country to match their own inherinent weaknessness as men and human beings.

They should be careful though. Why betray your own country to people who will kill you?? Gays in America should be a little more grateful for the rights they have and not undermine their country to Russians and Islamic fundamentalists who will simply kill them.

Liberals will only value their freedom once they loose it.

But a gay man would easily kneel to get beheaded.

SpikeyMikey (London - England

Cybdiver said...

I'm not sure if being gay or not has anything to do with what they did, but I'll stick with the topic and continue with my mantra that while it's important to know what the government is doing the information should not end up on the front page of the tabloids. Maybe it's time to go after some of these politicians that think this is all okay?

Anonymous said...

To be honest, I believe that Greenwald and Poitras are bigger traitors than Greenwald. In the latest interview given by Snowdon given to Brian Williams it becomes evident that Greenwald is very much the controller of Snowdon.

It also is made clear that Snowdon gave all the documents to Greenwald in bulk who has chosen to utilize the documents not just as leaks but for his personal financial gain.

They should arrest Greenwald and they should execute him for the crimes of treason against the United States.

Let's face it, each time you see Snowdon, even in this latest interview he still has the broken bridge rest on his spectacles! He is either not in a situation where he has personal liberty or not in a situation where he can afford to repair or replace those spectacles while Greenwald globetrots spilling stolen classified secrets and writing a book about the secrets glamorizing himself.

He claims to be a journalist but he abused journalism and he has abused the trust of Snowdon. So yeah Greenwald is the bigger traitor and yet the government sits back and let's him just revel in the fact that he has been leaking stolen classified documents.

Put him up against a wall and shoot him!