Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Go ask a Republican

Go ask a republican, Ask them simple questions.
Keystone pipeline make them explain the massive amount of jobs. They can't because the jobs are only temporary. 
Ask them how the affordable health care act hurt the economy, they can't because the cost of health care has gone down. 
Ask them about job growth and they tell you the jobs are not as good. I'll bet in their opinion no job at all was a better idea?
Ask them if war is a good idea, they will tell you yes, then ask them about the Veterans Administration, they'll tell you they were working on it.
Ask them about maintaining the embargo on Cuba, let them explain how that's working out for them.
Ask them why they won't rebuild American infrastructure fixing roads and bridges, which is the real job maker and watch them run away.
Ask them why they accuse people of going on welfare for having unwanted pregnancies and yet they opposed sex education and contraception.
Ask them why have they done nothing towards equal rights for women?  they have no answer at all. 
Ask why they fear same sex marriage and claim it will harm the country, but can't tell you how.
Don't you dare ask them about racial equality they will run away hiding behind their one alleged black friend.
Ask them about climate change, and they deny it's happening as they take off in a private jet.
Ask a Republican any question and see if you get a realist answer, you won't.
Ask a Republican why they keep voting those same tired old white guys into office and it's probably because they don't understand any of the issues I just wrote about. 
Ask a Republican why they keep voting the way their daddy did instead of for a person that will actually do the job.
Ask a republican to name one good thing their party has contributed to the nation in the last 16 years.  Let me know what answer you get.
But we all know there is one reason and one reason only, they fear the President not because he's doing a really good job.  It's all about him being black.  

The cost of electing a black president billions,  the look on the republicans faces when he won "Priceless", when he got re-elected,  "Priceless" 

So here I ask the Republican party to name anything good you've done in the last 16 years.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Would you kill for religion?

Somebody just posted a cartoon mocking your religion, is that a reason to kill?  Recently a group of cartoonist were killed for supposedly making fun of a Muslim profit.  I wonder why a cartoon of the profit could not be drawn making fun of the cartoonist?  I think that would have been a more appropriate response.  Murdering cartoonist is a bit extreme.  Is that really the teachings of a profit? or the teachings of madmen claiming to be acting in the name of a profit.
The almighty no matter what religion you follow made up some loosely crafted ideas on how people could live.
It is the self righteousness of people and their claim to absolute understanding of the almighty's words and thoughts that they claim gives them the right to kill?  When the only one with the right to take a persons life is the one that has given it to them. 
Next time you feel the desire to kill someone stop for a moment and ask is that what the almighty would do?  and would it be done for that reason?  When the fire and brimstone come raining down on us then we will have the almighties answer.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Stuart Varney, Fox Host, Gets Hacked By John McAfee In Live TV Demonstation

Today there is a video on YouTube of John McAfee performing what appears to be an impressive hack on Stuart Varney of FOX news.  It's an old trick based on poor security on voice mail systems.  McAfee also cheated because he already knew Varney's phone number. 

It's called "Social Engineering" that's where I break into your network with your help. It's not really hacking in the true sense. A real hacker gets in electronically and makes no contact with you at all.
Getting into someone's voice mail is usually pretty easy since people tend to use dumb and simple passwords. To get into your voice mail all I need is your phone number and knowledge of your voice mail system. Many voice mail systems are easy to hack. 
No I'm not going to tell you how.
However I will tell you to use a password unrelated to birthdays and other personal events in your life that people can guess.  And don't think you are smart by using 69, we already know that password.

To avoid becoming a victim of 'Social Engineering' use two factor authentication for company security. Never accept a phone number from someone telling you they are from security. Take their name and call them back at the number you know not the one they tell you they are calling from.  Caller Id can be faked,  so that's not good verification either.
If you "Don't have the time for that" then maybe you'll have to find a new job after your company is shut down.

When the IT guy/gal shows up at your desk and you don't know them, then call someone and verify him/her.  Never tell us your password we should have our own.  If they absolutely must log in as you then stay at your computer and watch what they do,  but don't give them your password and change it after they leave.   I love when you leave your computer logged in and go for coffee.  All the files I've copied give me lots of job security.

Please feel free to click on the comments of this post and send us your user Id and Password.  We'll be sure to put it to good use.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Things That Just Kill Ya: JE SUIS CHARLIE Honor the 12- forget the terrorist...

Things That Just Kill Ya: JE SUIS CHARLIE Honor the 12- forget the terrorist...: Sadly 12 Freedom fighters were killed in France in January 2015.  The Freedom of speech was their weapon.  I think it's important to pub...

JE SUIS CHARLIE Honor the 12- forget the terrorists

Sadly 12 Freedom fighters were killed in France in January 2015.  The Freedom of speech was their weapon.  I think it's important to publish their names and keep their memory alive.  I also am of the opinion that the names of the cowards that committed this crime against humanity should not appear in the press and they should only be referred to as the "Terrorists"
It should become a policy to avoid giving fame to persons that commit should heinous crimes against innocent people.
If there is no fame in their atrocities then it removes the motivation of others to participate.
Only for the purpose of hunting down these animals should their names appear in the papers.  Once captured they should be referred to as "Suspects", after conviction their names should not be mentioned ever again as they are to vanish into obscurity.  
Too often these bottom feeders are turned into hero's and martyrs.  Allow the trash to be thrown out and vanish into obscurity,  let's end our fascination with who they are,  and memorialize only those that have suffered.

So today I ask that you remember the 12 freedom fighters let their names and purpose live on.

Keeping Windows XP Alive

I found this on the Forbes website for those of you that want to Keep your old reliable XP Machines going

Hey sometimes I've got something good for ya.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Things That Just Kill Ya: Safe Sex and Computers

Things That Just Kill Ya: Safe Sex and Computers: Do you practice safe computing?   I have this vision of people wondering after that statement of how to put on a condom on their computer.  ...

Safe Sex and Computers

Do you practice safe computing?   I have this vision of people wondering after that statement of how to put on a condom on their computer. 
When you go out on a date don't you wonder who that person is that you are dating?  Some people will run a background check on the person they are dating or about to marry.  He/She could be a mass murderer,  you certainly don't want to date them.

So then why would you open an email from the person in a country you've never been to claiming to have your winning lottery ticket in a lottery you never bought a ticket in?   Let's think this through for a moment. 
You just got an email that has an attachment of a file from someone or some business you don't know.  But yet you are going to click on it without taking the time to verify it?   Let me guess you are just so busy you "Don't have the time for that".  I would like to thank all the people that "Don't have the time for that" for all the money I have made cleaning the virus off your computer and trying to save your data.  I really don't need everyone to pay attention there will always be a bunch of folks that don't read about safe computing and keep me flush and to them I dedicate my new car.

For the rest of you that really don't want to pay me a lot of money, well it's easy and I don't mind at all telling you the simple rule of thumb for safe computing.  If you didn't ask for it,  order it, subscribe to it,  or just plain simply don't know who sent it then question it.  Clear indications of someone trying to steal your stuff is when you get an email with a link telling you to click it and change your password.  I promise you that no matter what your password is, was, or was changed to you will never get into that site.  When in doubt go directly to the main page of the company or site you are dealing with.  

And for those of you that "Don't have the time for that" I look forward to our encounter.  I charge by the hour and any part there of.  Minimum 2 hours.  So enjoy that Nigerian lottery and your winnings.

Super Cloud Computing is it Harvesting you?

I recently read that some companies are building systems with the cloud as a focus.  Most recently The C4 instances run on Intel Xeon E5-2666 v3 ("Haswell") chips customized exclusively for Amazon, and so the great bookseller is now selling you not just a cloud but their cloud.  What I've experienced using all these clouds is that they are harvesting your information.  Being a Google user I've gotten things like emails telling me I was going to be late for a flight when all I did was email someone my itinerary.  I never told Google when and where I was going yet they alerted me to leave early because of traffic.  Most recently I've been using some cloud services and noticed emails targeting conversations that I've had.  I've clicked on links out of curiosity and suddenly I get more ads on Facebook trying to nail down my interests.

So as a test I created a document that contained certain buzz words and products that I would normally have no need for.  At least things that I was currently not using or looking for.  Sure enough within 24 hours of uploading my document to the clouds I was getting ads and emails steering me towards those products.  Ever since writing my articles around the web on the cloud and it's potential for bad and good I've been inundated with offers to join various clouds.  Clouds for company sharing,  clouds for backups,  and the most annoying of all those clouds that claim to make my life better.  I'm not certain how my life will be better having my personal information floating in cyberspace but I'll upload a bottle of snake oil and see how it works.

Is the cloud good?  Yes, I can access my information without having to tote it around.  It makes my life easier by having access to my information where ever I am.  
Is the cloud bad?  Yes, but it's not evil by intent.  As easily as your computer can be hacked so can your cloud.  Unless you encrypt or use an encrypted service.  That's where your information is scrambled up when stored and descrambled when you ask for it.   Is it fail proof?  will you be totally safe?  No!  Will you be safer?  Yes.  I'll be doing a some research all paid for by people with a lot of money to look into this could thing and it's safety factors.   When I'm finished I'm going to publish a copy of some of my findings right here on my little old blog.  Now don't expect the detailed full report that I'm creating I'll be giving you the free version and as long as it's free for me to run my blog you will never be charged.  How ever I do accept donations.   Just click on the link for the Red Cross and make your donation.  I'm checking with the IRS to see if they will let me deduct it from my taxes.  Probably not because I hear they've been in the cloud too.

Did any of this make sense?   I'll take and answer questions if I can.

Friday, January 2, 2015

What are you? are you an Evangelist?

It's 2015 and it's time to ask what are you on the internet?   Are you a surfer?  a poster?  a writer of some sort?  maybe an Evangelist?  Really I wonder what an Evangelist is.   According to the dictionaries it's someone that wants to convert me to their religion.   Would that make an "Internet Evangelist" someone that wants to convert me to their way of using the internet?  Will you be preaching to me about the internet?  can you preach to me about the internet?  are you nerdy enough to meet that challenge?  Then you have to redefine what is a "Computer Nerd" today?  I know some pretty pumped up nerds that could pass as jocks.  I knew one nerd that the pocket protector was a lethal weapon in his hands. He's got a black belt to hold up his pants.  Is Bill Gates still the ultimate revenge of the nerds?  Nice wife, cool cars, his own jet, is he a super nerd? 

Is the 'Internet' a religion that someone should preach about?  Is the use of the word Evangelist the right word?  or are we just so desperate to slap labels on ourselves to gain respect that normally it would take years to earn?  
Then you look at my site and wonder how could he call himself a "Life Guru"?  Actually I didn't it was other persons that kept calling me that.  If you look up the definition on the internet you might after reading this agree with them,  but then again you might not.  I will leave that to you. 

For this year I look forward to achieving the ultimate label after my name, "Person",  I simply want to be a good person and in return I hope you will be a good person too.