Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Are you feeling invisible?

Come the holiday season many people feel invisible.  It's like no one sees you.  You walk into a store and nobody asks if you would like help finding something.  You go to a family gathering and might as well not be there.   Or you just feel that way all the time?
No I'm not going to sell you a bunch of self help books.  I don't have any. 
What I do have is a very small bunch of simple things you can try to become visible.  Let the world notice you. 
Hit the barber shop, beauty salon.  You need to look good to feel good.  Invest a few bucks in your appearance.
Some nice clothes,  no not your favorite T-shirt from a concert you went to with the date that dumped you. It could be a sport shirt get a nice bright color. NO not a navy blue.  How about a nice blue?  Stay away from muted colors or colors that make you look sick and washed out.  Peach is a bad color for white people.  Slacks guys not jeans, black or navy is fine but well pressed.  They should be the proper length and your butt crack and underwear should be covered properly.  I hope those undies are clean. 
Shoes, please not your favorite pair of broken in boat shoes, or your Air Jordan's.  Get a nice pair of casual shoes not clown shoes.   
Socks, don't forget socks.  I suggest new clean socks not the ones you pulled off the pile and sniffed.  Face it your probably nose blind.
Colognes or perfumes, should be light in color so they will be light in scent.  Now spray the air and walk into it. I said spray not a shower.   Something woodsy yes I know you like that over powering vanilla stuff but trust me you want a hint of scent you don't want to gag people.

Good your almost ready for a test drive, but we've got to do something about that posture.
Stop slouching stand up like a boss. Yes I said like a boss.  Enter a room pause don't stick your nose in the air just look around like you are the master/mistress of all that you survey.   Don't spend to much time doing this and don't be cocky about it either.  Remember your in control, just the right amount of confidence to project control.  Now coast into the room,  slide across the floor with control don't bounce on you toes.  Walk with purpose but not urgency.  Greet people with a gentle smile the day is yours and you know it. 

Practice, till you get the response it will come.  You can't rush it. 

You look marvelous and you feel better about yourself already. 

Monday, December 19, 2016

Say hello this holiday season

Take the time to say "Hello", or maybe even "Thank You" to someone this holiday season.  Unplug your earbuds and smile at someone and say hello.  Guys you could actually meet someone.  Just walk up and say "Hello my name is and I just want to wish you a happy holiday" smile when you say it then walk away.  You'd be amazed at how much you just made someone's day.  Sure there will be those that yell "Get away you creep" but say have a "nice day" and move on.  
Hold the door, and if the person doesn't say thank you just say "Your Welcome" don't forget to smile. Don't run around trying to hug people that really is creepy and could end up badly.

Just be nice to everyone this holiday season, it's weird but we need it. 

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

In light of the recent shootings I have an idea for drivers

In light of the recent shootings I have an idea for drivers.
How about changing the way we present the documents to a digital system? Something like a Toll Pass on the dash? You get into your car and you slip your electronic Id into the visor. The officer scans the id looks at your face for a match all while you hold on to the steering wheel. Then an electronic ticket is sent to you. Nobody died in the writing of this post.

Look it's not very personal but it would cut down on the officers fears and the drivers would feel more secure too and won't get dragged out of the car unless the cop has a really good excuse like a dash cam video of you weaving in and out of traffic over the speed limit.

As long as the driver matches the photo from the electronic Id there should be no reason to drag him/her out of the car if all the things match up and are in order.

Lets take it one more step,  you need to plug your device in once a week so it gets up dated and verified.
Okay that's my suggestion for today.  I'll try to have another idea soon.

The Wild West

I wonder why other countries are trying to blow up Americans?  Americans seem to be doing quite a good job of blowing themselves up these days. 

It's like they can't go to the bathroom without a gun.  It's my biggest fear is to die while taking a crap and go with my pants around my ankles before I get a chance to wipe.  It's just crazy everyone and anyone can get a gun go out and shoot people.  Okay true the police will come and shoot you or blow you up with a robot but you got your "Gun Off".  

I'm basically confused why people feel the need to shoot each other.  Is there some cheap thrill in watching someone drop?  You realize there is no reset button.  If you shoot people some of them will shoot back at you.  Usually the police do this.  recently they used a robot and just let it blow the guy up.  So lets see one gunman takes on a police force of 59,000?  not really good odds.  He didn't go in peace he left in pieces.  Did you notice that after these gun nuts are killed they all have physic logical problems?  They probably did. 

Hi honey I'm going out for some milk and shoot a few neighbors.   Yep they crazy no question about it. 

So look if your goal in life is to be blown up do it yourself in a corner someplace that you won't hurt others.  I see no need to take others with you.  Really we don't want to join you.  Your on your own on this one..

Those damn Cookies

European Union laws require you to give European Union visitors information about cookies used on your blog. In many cases, these laws also require you to obtain consent.

Why do I have to tell people in Europe about cookies on my site?  are they such pussies that they can't handle a few good cookies?  Now that the UK has left the EU do I still have to tell them?

Mr. Robot

My favorite show Mr. Robot is on again I hope your all watching it.  I know it's a bit strange and not what you actually expected. 
Is what is happening in that show real or possible?  Maybe and probably but most likely.
Are you in danger of getting infected?  Probably.
Is there anything you can do to prevent it?  Yes don't open the email mail that says you won the Nigerian Lottery.  You didn't go to Nigeria did you?  did you buy a lottery ticket?  so then how could you win the lottery?  if you open it or send someone money then you deserve to get infected.
The best way to protect yourself from getting infected is unplug the computer and sink it in a block of cement.   Let the cement dry then toss it into the ocean and make a reef.  The fish will love you.

I suggest you all stock up now on essentials.  Most of you don't know how to survive without the internet for more than a few minutes anyhow.  Those of us that are older remember what live was like before the internet.  We used to talk to each other face to face.  It's pretty scary but we survived. 

I have to go now and unplug stuff around the house.  I'm worried they will hack my toaster and make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches without me knowing and then I'd be stuck with all those sandwiches.  I like PB&J but I can only eat so much which means I'd have to give away a lot of sandwiches which might not be a bad thing. 

Oh and if you have a smart TV I wonder who is watching who?

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

America's political Joke on the world

A big retarded nation is about to vote for a new political leader and all of them are damaged goods except one and unfortunately he's not leading to get the nomination.
Let's look at Donald Trump okay you really don't have to physically look at him but examine what he's done.  He's proved that the media is his puppet and the mass population is hypnotized by their media be it TV or smart phone or what ever sources they get information from.  He spews nonsense, does unreasonable things and everyone just goes "Oh it's just Donald, so it's okay", and then he wins. tell me that's not messed up.  I don't think he ever thought he would get this far.  Any descent candidate never even got close to being nominated.  Then there was Ted Cruz this is anomaly of unexplainable proportions. The man has done nothing for the last 8 years, caused the shut down of the government at a cost of 42 billion dollars.  Runs around waving the bible like he actually believes it and people keep re-electing him.  I sincerely think there is something in the drinking water.

As for Hillary Clinton, the closest she should ever get near the White House again is as a tourist. This is nothing more than an opportunist looking for the Oval Office. The only reason she moved to NY was because they had the shortest residency requirements.  Voting for her because of her gender is crazy at best. As any of her supporters what she's done to deserve the office and none of them can tell you a single thing she's accomplished. No she did not get health care approved, she tried but not even close. People were more concerned with who Bill was sleeping with and the answer was everyone except Hillary. 

That leaves us with Bernie Sanders. I got nothing bad to say about this guy except he should have run as an independent.  His career might not be stellar but he's stuck to his principals his entire life.  Folks like to call him a "Socialist" like it's a bad thing but really it's not.  If you look at America it's a Socialist Democracy.  We have tons of social programs starting with 'Social Security', police, fired, schools, public works and the list goes on.  All those things you love and take for granted are social programs. But it's not free and the next time some rich person tells you Social Security is free remind them you paid for that your whole life and now it's your turn to get some.

I have to get back to work now so just save my space or add your comments.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Australia no more shrimp on the barbie

Recently a story ran about the destruction of reefs in Australia caused by global warming and bleaching of the reefs.  Bleaching is when the reefs die because the temperature of the water is too high.  The reef turns white then dies.  If you should be fortunate enough to go diving or snorkeling then you would see this first hand.  Seeing it on a video really does not instill the death and destruction occurring.  There is no color no life on the reef.  It's like being in a cemetery. The government of Australia does not want the UN to label this a problem because it would cost them a loss of money in tourism.  Maybe they should think what happens if it dies. 

In 1986 I met a professer that was at the UNESCO confrence being held in Indonesia. He said they were there to have a confrence on the enviornment so I told him about the bleaching on the reefs back then that was 30 years ago. I suggested he go diving and see it first hand. I doubt he ever did. Now they are talking more about it having another confrence and making statements and no one is doing a damn thing. The world is full of brilliant people that know how to write a paper and have a confrence and give a lecture. A massive useless bunch of brain power. Those willing to do something just can't seem to gain traction in this world. I'm sorry so many will never see the beauty of the seas. I urge everyone to get out and go diving and see it first hand. It's like being witness to a mass grave. I would cry but it causes my mask to leak.

If you care go dive or snorkel share what see.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Revols earbuds a scam or a jam?

I've seen lots of stuff about these so called wonder earbuds called Revols with the magic ear tips that fit to your ear with an app.   You can see more about them here.  https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/revols#/
The Revols people seem to be doing a lot of traveling on investor money and I have not seen any reviews on this product.  I have not heard anyone at Onkyo indicate they are involved in the product.
I'm just saying is all.  It would be nice to see some prototypes, samples, an update on the product progress.  Or was this a venture capitol tech project that is going to fade away with our money?
Some projects seem to good too be true.  Is this one of those?

Trump Vs. Female Reporter

As almost everyone knows Jeremy Clarkson grabbed a female reporter named Michelle Fields.
I've seen the video as many of you have but I wonder was she getting too close to Mr. Trump?  Was he really so rough with her?  Who violated who's space?   Or is this all a big deal so Ms. Fields can get her 15 minutes of fame?  She had an altercation with a celebrity back in 2011 which landed her a spot on FOX news.  And those bruises on her arm are no worse than I get from a day working in the yard.  It's on video he grabbed her no doubt,  but it was clearly to pull her away.   A low level reporter trying to make a name for herself at the expense of a controversial candidate?
I agree Trump is far from saint hood and has a trash mouth,  but in all fairness was this really such a big deal?  or is Ms. Fields just fishing for her 15 minutes of fame?