Saturday, November 23, 2019

Spray and Wipe at the Gym

It's a silly subject but hey it's on my little mind.  The massive waste of paper towels at the gym as everyone is constantly spraying some colored liquids on everything thinking they are making things sanitary.  I think it's a corporate hoax.  There is nothing in those bottles except maybe and it's a big maybe but I think it's windshield washer fluid.  There is no sanitizing chemicals in that stuff or it would have an odor.  Did you notice it has no odor?  Spray and Spray again.  Some folks are just plain spray crazy and you have to wait 20 minutes for the equipment to dry.  Please someone tell them to drop by my house.  They can spray and wipe all they want.  Start with the toilets, tubs and sinks.  Do some vacuuming that should get the cardio going.  When I first started going to the gym you were supposed to bring your own sweat towel which was usually you mom's dish towel.  Think about it can you imagine Dwayne Johnson running around the gym spraying everything?  People like him usually have their own personal gyms with sweat people like at a tennis match.  Zoom wipe that sweat.  Look it's really simple bring your own freakin towel,  spray one wad of paper towel and see how many times you can reuse it.  Save a tree. That pink stuff in the bottle, well the jury is still out on that since nobody really knows what it is.  Who knows maybe it's like that weed killer and we're all going to die from it.  Now give me two more reps you lazy slug.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

People that hover at the #gym

Don't ya just want to smash those people that hover over you while you're doing sets on a machine.  They are not even serious work out people it's just they've got it in their little minds that your on their machine and their working a circuit so you are in their way.  They don't even ask if they can work in.  They just stand and hover and stare.  Yesterday this girl stood with her hands on her hips like OMG will you ever get off the machine.  Now if you do that do me it just motivates me to do more sets slowly at a heavier weight.  Damn my legs hurt today but she was really pissed.  And of course I left the pin at the higher weight.  And to make things worse I didn't spray and wipe.  I bring a towel and had the towel on the machine.  So next time you want to use a machine trying asking if you can work in.  Don't ask that stupid question, "Are you done?"  No I'm resting between sets you doofus.   It's time for people to learn gym etiquette.   If you are a regular you acknowledge the other regulars.  It's not an invite for a social gathering unless you actually know me.  And guys don't stare it's rude.  Bring a freaking towel they cost a dollar at Wal-Mart,  Stop wasting those paper towels.  And if you must spray don't over spray that crap is watered down so much I don't think it kills anything.  Build up your immune system take some vitamins.   And for goodness sake put the weights back when you are done.  Ladies leaving the 5lb dumb bell in the middle of the gym makes you the dumb bell.  If you have to drop the weights it's too heavy for you and no one is impressed.  Unless your a professional body builder all that yelling and grunting is totally unnecessary and just proves you don't know how to breath properly.   If you see someone on a bench don't stand in front of them so you can see yourself in the mirror.  It's not there for to pose it's there for you to check your form and make sure you are doing the exercise correctly.  

This is all very serious especially this part,  wash your damn clothes.  No they do not look better and damn they stink as do you.   Now stop talking on your phone, and if you must take it outside I'm focused on my jams and concentrating on not dropping the weights on your stupid iPhone.

Now go have a good workout.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Will the Democrates re-elect Trump?

Will the Democrates re-elect Trump?  It's an odd questions will the opposition get the resident president re-elected but the way things are going it will probably just happen.  Joe is the one of the oldest candidates with Bernie leading the age pack.  It's a strange world we live in, where a giant pervert that sits around playing with his phone all day is leading one of the most power nations on earth.  Certainly there is a sinister plot at work probably Putin to destabilized America.   Looks like it's happening to the UK also.  Instead of focusing on global warming and feeding the people the tyrants are out stealing everyone's money and driving the planet into oblivion.   If you think I'm crazy they why is that Musk guy so hell bent on getting to mars or anyplace he get off this rock.
Live while you can the future is an illusion, sorry to disappoint.  I fear we might be doomed if this guy stays in office.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Microsoft Blows Chunks

The end of the Windows 10 phone is closing in on us.

It's like getting punched in the throat, you spend a ton of money on a phone then they drop it after making all kinds of advertising claims.  It was even the go to phone on Hawaii Five Oh so for a while it was cool.  But then they tucked tail and ran because they couldn't or wouldn't compete with Android and those Apples in their New Balance.

I think Microsoft should reimburse everyone who bought one of their phones looking forward to all the great things they promised.  Now they want you to install a ton of their apps on your Android and Apple phones to pretend you still have a Microsoft phone.

I'm buying my next laptop without an OS and installing Ubuntu.  I'm going to punch Microsoft in the throat and see how they like it.  Lower their overinflated stock

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Walmart to raise prices

Extra Extra read all the BSart

Walmart says higher tariffs on China goods will increase prices for U.S. shoppers, what it should say is Trump is trying to recover the lost income from the tax breaks he gave himself.

Walmart said the company will also try to obtain products from different countries and work with suppliers to blunt the impact of higher tariffs.  I'll bet once WalMart and many others raise their prices that even if the tariffs go back downt the prices will stay high with the excuse they bought them at higher prices.  Which would be a big lie.
The higher tariffs have barely been applied, the merchandise that will garner the higher tariffs have not even reached the shelfs, but Walmart is already chompping at the bite to raise prices.  Already publishing the punishing news that prices will go up. 
Will I pay more for only goods from China?  or will they distribute the cost increase across the board?  Can I avoid goods made in China?  I bought a TV from Samsung it says assembled in Mexico,  what tariff do I pay? It's probably filled with parts from China.   
Let's ask the big question,  when is something made in China?  when is made someplace else?  Will China try Transhipping?   I'll bet you all thought this was simple just don't buy things from China.  Who goes to jail if they are Transhipping?     Do you know why Trump's red ties are so long?  It's because his factory in China saw him and they thought making them long would be a good thing.  So Trump ended up with a ton of ties that are too long.  We call those IR's like Trump they are Irregular.

Walmart said the company will also try to obtain products fr

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

What's a Tariff and how will it affect you

Tariff is very simply a tax on goods being brought into a country.  The importer (receiver) pays the tax when items arrive at your country.  So a Tariff from China means that when China ships something to you and it arrives you pay the tax to Customs.  That cost gets passed on to you the consumer.   Now remember the cost of the item has gone up,  this means the sales tax you pay will go up too.  So really you are getting double taxed.
Will your things go up 25% if made in China?  The answer is NO!  Most companies will spread the cost increase out amongst all the items they sell.  This won't eliminate the cost increase but it will keep it from looking worse than it is.
If I've lost you at this point feel free to write me and I'll see if I can clarify.

But what about China's tax on US goods?  yes they will have to pay which means they will just buy from someone else as we will buy from other countries.
The joke is on Trump and the pain is on America, many of the companies in other countries are owned by China.   So China will produce more off shore too.  They are very flexible like that.
Example.  I just bought a TV assembled in Mexico from a company in Korea made with Chinese parts.  Still with me?

Why is Trump doing this?  Very simply put it's called Insider Trading.  If you know what the market will be doing before it does it that's called insider trading.  If you manipulate the stock it's called "Stock Manipulation" just another crime for Trump.  So if I cause the price of Soy Beans to drop, then run out and buy stock that's illegal.

Are we good so far?  Bottom line we pay more tax......

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Blogging about Blogging

Today I got an email that wanted to tell me about things I should do in order to blog.  Okay so looking for ways to improve my blog I went, and was bombarded with ads for blogging, where to blog, what to write and how to write it.  I learned something very important especially about my blog which is a special blog.  See my blog is not about what you might think, what you might want it to be.  It's about what's on my mind at the moment.  And being tricked into going to blog that just hammers you with popups and other obnoxious forms of advertising well that's what's on my mind.

This blog may never be famous, but it lets me get off what's on my mind and what's left of it.  What you won't find here is advise on how to blog.  If you want to blog then just do it.  Someone will find it interesting,  some will find it annoying, others will just post troll messages trying to pick a fight.  I guess that's what Trolls do.  They live under bridges and poke at you from time to time just being annoying.  #sex,  I stick that in to see how many times my blog will get noticed since I mentioned #sex.  Now that I've got the blogger thing out of my system I guess I can just continue on and write about anything no matter if it's important.

I would however like to write about time travel next, and discuss if we go back in time what would I be doing instead of this?  Imagine if I don't like my story I can just start over.

Again I have no idea where this blog is going but I'm hanging on tight.