Friday, December 5, 2014

Do the police kill and why?

Clearly we know the police kill people but I wonder if we bother to ask why?   and why do we always make it into a racial event.
Recently a Staten Island man was killed in what looked like he was choked to death incident.  I wanted to know what happened so I looked for a longer video of the event.  It appears the man was being arrested the police tried putting cuffs on him and he jerked his arm away.  That is considered to be resisting arrest.  That man is not new to getting arrested he has been arrested over 30 times, he knows better than to resist.  He's standing on a public street out side of tax paying businesses selling stolen cigarettes to minors.  Which part of committing another crime did I miss.
The man being arrested is almost 400lbs in poor health and is now going to attempt to take on half a dozen cops.   If anyone read the coroners report he did not die of asphyxiation he died of coronary failure.  The man was too fat, had diabetes and heart disease.  What should the police have done given him a physical before the arrest?

Then this became a racial incident and I don't understand why.  The supervising officer at the scene was a Black Female Sargent.  She was the one in charge at the scene.  So because the patrolman that carried out the arrest of petty criminal was white it's now a racial incident? 

I blame people like Al Sharpton,  I won't call him Reverend because a true man of the cloth would not be looking to instigate riots.  But that's how AL gets donations so he can parade around in thousand dollar suits and continue to mislead his followers.  Then there is the media,  they love it when people riot and burn things down it gets them on TV more.  If the march was peaceful or the truth comes out there is nothing for them to report.  "If it Bleeds it Leads" is the expression the media lives by.    

So my little criminals what crimes have you committed in attempt to make the front pages of media land?

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