Friday, December 5, 2014

Is the media to blame?

Isn't sensationalism in media wonderful?  Half truths to stir up the masses all for a good headline.  Al Sharpton the media face of a good riot at the lead.   Nobody really cares what the truth is anymore.  The fact the accidental death in NY was not a murder and not a racial incident does not matter.   The fact that there were other cops at the Staten Island incident never seems to be spoken of.  The supervisor being a black female Sargent is completely over looked.  The fact that he never put his hands up as noted by several African American witnesses seems to keep being left out of the papers.    Almost never mentioned was the fact that a criminal with over 30 priors was being arrested again and then resisted arrest when they went to put the cuffs on him has been totally ignored.
I ask you all to go back and look at the video again,  get a copy of the whole incident its out there.  You would see cops trying to calmly arrest the man, then he jerks his arm away when they try to cuff him.  Then you will see other officers enter the picture.  A well edited video from a cell phone making this look like a one cop assault.   The marches and protests should be in support of the NYPD not against them.  It's time to take a long hard look at why these incidents happen and stopping blaming the police only.  Certainly there are two sides to every story unless of course your looking to get more hits your news site.

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