Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Scuba Antigua dive shops

Indigo Divers Antigua

Box JH 155

Jolly Harbour

Antigua and Barbuda







PHONE 268 462-DIVE or 268 462-3483
Seawolf Diving School


The Compton Building

Dockyard Drive

English Harbour, Antigua.

West Indies

By Phone

+1 (268) 783 3466

+1 (268) 783 3466

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


So in 2008 you voted for change and you've been getting it.  Thanks to George W Bush you got poverty and unemployment like you never knew before.

And now you want to screw up the chances of the president being able to fix things becuase you thought he had a magic wand and could fix the global economy in a few days after taking office.

Go ahead side with the tea baggers, you will be so freakin sorry.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Wasilla home of Sarah Palin

Did you see her daughter dance?  Neither did anyone else.  Mrs. Brady beat her!
Did you see those thunder legs?  Her husband is where? The under age mom with a baby daddy.  Way to preach morality Sarah!

Sarah Palin

Just saying her name and talking about the Tea Baggers makes me laugh.

They will cut taxes and pay for the police, fire and teachers how? Don't ask they don't know but they are going to cut taxes.

Maybe I should get a helicopter so I could hunt moose?

Vote for Sarah Palin

It's the funniest thing you could possibly do to scew up America.

Bunch of Tea Baggers.....

Monday, September 13, 2010

Support your changes

I really don't understand US American's.  We voted for change did we think it would happen over night. It took the previous administration 8 years to destroy the economy do you think this new guy can fix it in 18 months?   Bernie Madoff and Allen Stanford got away with their nonsense for so many years and now they want the new president to fix it over night.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The CIA, Banking Scams, and R. Allen Stanford the CIA Banker

Allen Stanford the American Criminal

The following is ripped from the internet and was written by Tom Burghardt follow the link above for the original artical.

In a scandal-plagued era such as ours, scarred by murderous wars, occupations and corruption that would make a Roman emperor blush, accused crooks have names; even juiced ones like R. Allen Stanford.

Last year, when a federal court in Texas handed down indictments charging Stanford International Bank (SIB) and its officers with "orchestrating a fraudulent, multibillion dollar investment scheme," I wondered: was there more to the story?
Indeed there was.
Once described by fawning media as a "flamboyant Texan" and "philanthropist," Stanford was founder and sole shareholder of a global banking empire once conservatively valued at $50 billion.
According to the federal indictment, "Sir Allen," as he was dubbed by a corrupt former minister of Antigua, ran a massive Ponzi scheme camouflaged as a bank that sold some $7 billion in self-styled "certificates of deposit" and $1.2 billion in mutual funds.
[For complete article features, please see original at Fascist Calling here.]
Operated from behind a façade of well-appointed offices and with a jet-set lifestyle to match, the Stanford grift may have been impressive but it was a scam from the get-go. Lured by "high rates that exceed those available through true certificates of deposits offered by traditional banks," thousands lost their shirts.
Those high rates were a lie and the bank's "unique investment strategy" about as legitimate as a penny-stock fraud or advance fee scam on the internet. Of the $8 billion hoovered up by the banker and his cronies, only about $500 million have been recovered.
Facing the prospect of years in prison, The Miami Herald reported that SIB's chief financial officer James Davis, once Stanford's college roommate and originally charged in the indictment, copped a plea to save his own neck.
Davis told the Justice Department that "his boss had been stealing from investors for decades while paying bribes to regulators and even performing blood oaths never to reveal his secrets."
Talk about a wise guy!
And with connections and generous pay-outs to U.S. politicians going back more than a decade, 65% of which went to Democrats including our "change" president, Allen Stanford was plugged-in.
Evidence also suggests he may have gotten an assist covering his tracks from regulators and U.S. secret state agencies, including the CIA.
SEC Stand Down
Allen Stanford did business the American way; he swindled depositors and then siphoned-off the proceeds into a spider's web of offshore accounts.
The indictment charges "it was part of the conspiracy that Stanford ... and others would cause the movement of millions of dollars of fraudulently obtained investors' funds from and among bank accounts located in the Southern District of Texas and elsewhere in the United States to various bank accounts located outside of the United States ... in order to exercise exclusive control over the investors' funds."
Auditors learned that funds were moved through Stanford-controlled accounts to offshore banks, including HSBC in London, Bank Julius Baer in Zurich and eight others; banks which have figured in past money laundering or tax-avoidance scandals. None have been charged with an offense in connection with the affair.
In all, 28 numbered accounts were listed by prosecutors, veritable black holes that escaped scrutiny; that is if regulators in Washington were minding the store, which they weren't.
Years earlier, SEC investigators at the commission's Ft. Worth office uncovered evidence of wrongdoing. According to an explosive report by the SEC's Office of the Inspector General, Ft. Worth examiners launched a series of probes in 1997, 1998, 2002 and 2004 exploring SIB practices but their diligence was sabotaged by high-level officials.
That report, Investigation of the SEC's Response to Concerns Regarding Robert Allen Stanford's Alleged Ponzi Scheme, Case No. OIG-526, March 31, 2010, paints a damning picture of the regulatory process.
The inspector general states: "While the Fort Worth Examination group made multiple efforts after each examination to convince the Fort Worth Enforcement program ('Enforcement') to open and conduct an investigation of Stanford, no meaningful effort was made by Enforcement to investigate the potential fraud or to bring an action to attempt to stop it until late 2005."
Last month, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported that staff members, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they feared management retaliation, told the newspaper that higher-ups wanted "tools to do away with people who have a dissenting opinion."
Senior managers called the probes a "goat screw" and ordered them killed.
The OIG investigation "found that the former head of Enforcement in Fort Worth, who played a significant role in multiple decisions over the years to quash investigations of Stanford, sought to represent Stanford on three separate occasions after he left the Commission, and in fact represented Stanford briefly in 2006 before he was informed by the SEC Ethics Office that it was improper to do so." (emphasis added)
In Florida, The Miami Herald revealed that state regulators did the SEC one better and gave the bank carte blanche to operate secretly, moving "vast amounts of money offshore--without reporting a penny to regulators."
The arrangement between the bank and the Florida Office of Financial Regulation was so brazen, that Stanford's company "was allowed to sell hundreds of millions in bank notes without allowing regulators to check for fraud."
And once those suspect instruments were sold, the Herald reported that "employees shredded records of the trust agreements and CD purchases once the original documents were sent to Antigua, state records show."
A sweet deal if you can get it, or have powerful friends who might wish to avoid messy inquiries touching upon sensitive matters.
The New York Times reported last year that current charges "stem from an inquiry opened in October 2006," that is, nearly a decade "after a routine exam of Stanford Group, according to Stephen J. Korotash, an associate regional director of enforcement with the agency's Fort Worth office."
Korotash told the Times that the SEC "stood down" its investigation "at the request of another federal agency, which he declined to name."
According to BusinessWeek, in 2006 the Bush administration "bestowed on his intelligence czar ... broad authority, in the name of national security" to excuse companies from "their normal accounting and securities-disclosure obligations" if such disclosures revealed "certain top-secret defense projects."
At the time, William McLucas, the Securities and Exchange Commission's former enforcement chief told the publication that the ability to conceal financial information from regulators under the rubric of "national security" could lead some companies "to play fast and loose with their numbers."
The former official said, "it could be that you have a bunch of books and records out there that no one knows about."
In response to media reports, congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), wrote a letter to SEC Chair Mary Schapiro last year, demanding documents, and answers, why the SEC suspended investigations of the "Stanford Group under pressure from another unidentified federal agency."
The Ohio congressman said, "if this is true ... our subcommittee will demand that the SEC reveal the name of that agency which told it not to enforce federal laws which protect investors."
Neither documents nor answers were forthcoming.
Cynics might see something untoward here, but I think it's all just a coincidence, like drug planes bought with bundles of cash laundered through American banks.
Drug Probes Killed
In 1986 during the Iran-Contra period, Allen Stanford's Guardian International Bank set up shop on the sleepy Caribbean isle of Montserrat (pop. 5,870).
It didn't take long before the bank came under scrutiny. Guardian was the subject of a joint Scotland Yard-FBI investigation "into so-called 'brass-plate' banks," The Independent disclosed.
According to reporters David Connett and Stephen Foley, the bank "was suspected of laundering drug money from the notorious Medellin and Cali drug cartels run by Pablo Escobar and the Orejuela brothers."
During the Iran-Contra scandal, congressional investigators and journalists scrutinized links between Colombian drug traffickers and the CIA's Nicaraguan Contra army.
By 1986, evidence began to emerge that top Contra officials and the Agency enjoyed cosy ties with both Escobar and the Orejuela brothers. Under pressure from the Reagan administration however, both Congress and corporate media deep-sixed the story as the affair was covered-up.
A decade later, largely as a result of outrage generated by the late Gary Webb's Dark Alliance series, a memorandum of understanding between Reagan's Justice Department and the Agency entered the public record. That 1982 memo legally freed the CIA from reporting drug smuggling by their assets.
Former FBI agent Ross Gaffney who led the Guardian probe, told Connett and Foley that "we suspected that Stanford's bank was involved in money laundering." But before that investigation could be developed, Stanford suddenly pulled up stakes and "voluntarily surrendered his Montserrat banking licence and left the island."
Gaffney said that even after Guardian closed, the FBI "continued to take an interest in Stanford and set up a second inquiry into that bank after receiving intelligence that it continued to launder money for the Medellin and Cali cartels."
The former federal agent told The Independent, "We had hard intelligence about what he was doing and we began to develop it" but the investigation died or more likely, killed, by officials higher-up the food chain.
After leaving Montserrat, Stanford trained his sights on Antigua and Barbuda and developed a close relationship with former prime minister Lester Bird.
"Under the Bird family leadership" Connett and Foley reported, "the island was widely regarded as one of the most corrupt in the Caribbean, with well-documented links to arms and drug smuggling and money laundering."
According to The Independent, "in 1990, Israeli automatic weapons ordered by Mr Bird's brother Vere turned up in the hands of a notorious Colombian drug trafficker."
Despite suspicions, it appears that Stanford was golden as far as the feds were concerned; just another guy with an endless supply of "get-out-of-jail-free" cards.
One reason Stanford operated with impunity, the BBC informs us, is that he "may have been a US government informer."
DEA documents seen by BBC's investigative unit Panorama, suggest that "drug money [was] originally paid in to Stanford International Bank by agents acting for a feared Mexican drug lord known as the 'Lord of the Heavens'."
Confidential DEA sources believe that Stanford turned over "details of money-laundering from Latin American clients from Colombia, Mexico, Venezuela and Ecuador," thus "effectively guaranteeing himself a decade's worth of 'protection' from the authorities, especially the SEC."
"We were convinced that Stanford's bank attracted millions of narco-dollars," sources told Panorama, "but it was very difficult to get the evidence to nail him."
"The word is" BBC reported, "that Stanford has been a confidential informer for the DEA since '99."
Snitch or not, this raises intriguing questions.
Was Stanford's bank a black hole which U.S. intelligence agencies could exploit, in the interest of "national security" mind you, and therefore exempt from "normal disclosure obligations" as BusinessWeek averred?
If this were so, then even if Stanford were an informant he could have continued to launder drug money and profit nicely; such gentleman's agreements are not without precedent.
One need only glance at internal U.S. government documents released by the National Security Archive, documents which revealed the Cali cartel's close collaboration with corrupt Colombian police, neofascist paramilitaries and the CIA when Medellín drug lord Pablo Escobar was run to ground.
Pointedly, was Stanford's banking empire another in a long line of institutional channels that drug cartels and the CIA could both profit from?
Banks, Drugs and Covert Operations
Across the decades, historians, investigative journalists and researchers have uncovered strong evidence that various banks have served as virtual cut-outs for CIA covert operations.
Readers need only recall illegal activities by institutions as diverse as Paul Helliwell's Castle Bank and Trust in the Bahamas, Frank Nugan and Michael Hand's Nugan Hand Bank in Sydney and the Cayman Islands, or the far-flung empire of Agha Hasan Abedi's Bank and Credit and Commerce International.
Separated in time and geography, what all three banks had in common was their close proximity to international drug trafficking networks and the CIA, particularly in areas of acute interest to U.S. policy planners. Did Stanford International Bank have a similar arrangement with the Agency?
When the scandal finally broke, the Houston Chronicle reported that authorities had been "looking for ties to organized drug cartels and money laundering, going back at least a decade."
In the late 1990s, court documents revealed that "operatives of the Juarez cartel began opening accounts at Stanford's Antigua-based bank," laundering profits amassed by the Amado Carrillo Fuentes organization, the late "Lord of the Heavens" referred to in the BBC report.
The Chronicle notes that Fuentes' representatives "used Stanford International Bank to open 10 accounts and deposit $3 million." We should bear in mind however, these represent only known accounts. Were there others? Federal and state investigators have said that there were.
After authorities determined the accounts were held by a notorious drug cartel, Stanford turned over the $3 million. Yet despite hard evidence of criminal wrongdoing, federal officials told the Chronicle that "any alleged Stanford connection to drug cartels and their money could lie buried in the paperwork gathered for the Security and Exchange Commission's civil inquiry."
One might even say rather conveniently.
During the same period, Texas state securities regulators uncovered more evidence of money laundering by Stanford entities. But because it involved offshore banks, they "referred it" to the FBI and SEC.
Texas Securities Commissioner Denise Voigt Crawford told a Senate Finance Committee last year, "Why it took 10 years for the feds to move on it, I cannot answer."
Miffed by government foot-dragging, Crawford added, "We worked with the FBI and the SEC and basically gave them the case. We told them what we'd seen and they were going to run with it."
But that investigation died on the vine.
Echoing similar themes, The Observer disclosed an FBI source close to the investigation confirmed that the Bureau "was looking at links to international drug gangs as part of the huge investigation into Stanford's banking activities."
The Observer reported that Mexican authorities seized one of Stanford's private jets in connection with alleged links to the Gulf cartel and said that "cheques found inside the plane were linked to the cartel, which is one of the most violent criminal organisations in the world."
DEA sources told the London newspaper "there may well have been a trail connecting his Mexican affairs to narco-trafficking interests." However, a second DEA official told The Observer, "I think we'll find that any possible drug-related trail and SEC priorities are not all in the same frame."
A curious statement considering the billions of dollars in fraudulent activities alleged against the bank, some of which may have been derived from laundering drug money.
One would assume that evidence of serious wrongdoing would be motive enough to take a hard look at the allegations and not concoct a fairy tale that these charges lie "buried in the paperwork"!
A U.S. drug enforcement official told The Observer, "Any major US interest seeking to avoid fully disclosed investments would have to go to pretty careful lengths to avoid encountering cartel interests."
"Anyone seeking to conceal or launder money would find it in safe and lucrative hands were they to forge alliances with, rather than skirt, the cartels," The Observer noted, and would "find them accommodating in terms of remuneration." The official hastened to add, it's "nothing anyone will confirm for Stanford right now."
The question is: why?
A Full-Service Bank
One possible answer may revolve around charges that SIB's Venezuela branch was a conduit for laundered CIA funds.
If true, then the Agency would be dead set against trial disclosures that revealed the bank had been involved in laundering drug money, particularly if narcotics syndicates are playing a role in U.S. destabilization efforts there.
Months before Stanford's empire collapsed, Venezuela's socialist government launched a raid on SIB offices in Caracas.
The Daily Telegraph reported that "Sir Allen Stanford, the Texan billionaire ... is now at the centre of an international spying row."
The conservative British newspaper disclosed that "officials from Venezuelan military intelligence raided a branch of his offshore bank over claims that its employees were paid by the CIA to spy on the south American country."
Although corporate media in the U.S. dismissed Venezuelan allegations as propaganda, questions persist.
While on a charm offensive before his arrest last year, Stanford gave an interview to CNBC's Scott Cohn. When asked about claims that his bank may have been a cut-out for the Agency, this curious exchange took place:
Cohn: "You just by nature of your position and where you were got to know a lot of people in Latin America, in Africa, in Europe, around the world, and it strikes me that somebody in your position would be useful to the authorities in the US trying to find out what was going on there, what was going on in places like Venezuela. Can you tell me about any sort of role you played that way, were you helpful to the authorities in the US?"
Stanford: "Are you talking about the CIA?"
Cohn: "Well, you tell me."
Stanford: "I'm not going to talk about that."
Cohn: "Why not?"
Stanford: "I'm just not going to talk about that."
Cohn: "Well, I mean, am I--is my premise correct that someone in your position would be helpful to those who wanted to know what was going on?"
Stanford: "I really don't have anything to add to that that would be of any value."
Stanford's reticence is certainly understandable, considering Frank Hand's fate 30 years ago.
During a similar scandal when the CIA-linked Nugan Hand bank collapsed amid charges of fraud and drug money laundering, the chief executive turned up dead in his Mercedes with a shot to the head.
Despite evidence uncovered by investigations going back to the 1980s, drug money laundering charges or any reference to Agency activities will not figure in the Justice Department's case when Stanford goes on trial in January.
As ABC News delicately put it, SEC action against Stanford "may have complicated the federal drug case."
Underscoring the federal government's reluctance to explore this dark corner of Allen Stanford's career, it might do well to keep in mind what one airline executive told investigative journalist Daniel Hopsicker during his probe into the 9/11 attacks.
"Sometimes when things don't make business sense, its because they do make sense...just in some other way."

Tom Burghardt is a researcher and activist based in the San Francisco Bay Area. In addition to publishing in Covert Action Quarterly and Global Research, an independent research and media group of writers, scholars, journalists and activists based in Montreal, his articles can be read onDissident Voice, The Intelligence Daily, Pacific Free Press, Uncommon Thought Journal, and the whistleblowing website Wikileaks. He is the editor of Police State America: U.S. Military "Civil Disturbance" Planning, distributed by AK Press.

Allen Stanford and his American Crimes

Allen Stanford did business the American way; he swindled depositors and then siphoned-off the proceeds into a spider's web of offshore accounts.

Auditors learned that funds were moved through Stanford-controlled accounts to offshore banks, including HSBC in London, Bank Julius Baer in Zurich and eight others; banks which have figured in past money laundering or tax-avoidance scandals. None have been charged with an offense in connection with the affair.

In all, 28 numbered accounts were listed by prosecutors, veritable black holes that escaped scrutiny; that is if regulators in Washington were minding the store, which they weren't.
Years earlier, SEC investigators at the commission's Ft. Worth office uncovered evidence of wrongdoing. According to an explosive report by the SEC's Office of the Inspector General, Ft. Worth examiners launched a series of probes in 1997, 1998, 2002 and 2004 exploring SIB practices but their diligence was sabotaged by high-level officials.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Free Oil

Just head on down to the Gulf of Mexico which is mostly in the United States with a bucket and you can have all the oil you can scoop up.

Busted in Antigua for Drugs

The four men who were intercepted on a vessel in Antiguan waters in the country’s largest cocaine bust ever, are expected to be charged in a day or two as officials from the Organisation of National Drug and Money Laundering Control Policy (ONDCP) continue to conduct their investigations.

The Class A drug which was seized in a speedboat arriving from Venezuela on Wednesday, has a street value of EC $126,360,000.
The three Venezuelans and a Colombian, ranging in ages from 40 to 43, were captured in the southern section of the island.
The joint operation between the ONDCP and the Antigua & Barbuda Defence Force (ABDF), on Wednesday evening, netted 900 kilos (1,984.1 pounds) of cocaine.
“If the cocaine had arrived in the UK it would be sold at a street value of £90,000,000 while in the USA the street value would be approximately US $90,000,000,” a communiqué from the ONDCP read.
The illegal substance was found in more than 32 tightly wrapped and sealed plastic packages that were stacked in a large, black bag, amongst cargo.
The Director of ONDCP Lieutenant Colonel Edward Croft told The Daily OBSERVER, “We are indeed elated that we were able to make a contribution of peace and security through the interception of this very dangerous drug.
“This success would have saved the lives of hundreds of persons whether in Antigua & Barbuda, in the region or internationally. We are happy that Antigua & Barbuda was able to play its role in the fight against individuals who engage in criminal activity.
Colonel Croft said he was extremely pleased to know that his team played an integral role in keeping the illicit drugs off the streets.
“I’m just thankful of the women and men of the ONDCP and I also wish to recognise the professionalism of the Coast Guard and other agencies involved in the effort.”
The director has pledged to keep patrolling to protect the lives of residents.
This cocaine seizure, the largest in the history of Antigua & Barbuda is also possibly one of the largest within the Eastern Caribbean.
Just last month, an Antiguan and two Montserratian men were caught with $3.871 million worth of cocaine at the Deep Water Harbour. The 24 sealed packages totalled 27.4 kilos or 60.28 pounds. The men have since been charged and each released on $4 million bail. The matter is pending in the court.

Reprinted from the Daily Observer - Antigua

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

BP implodes

Don't say you did not hear it from me first but I did say it.  BP is folding like a house of cards and there will be no money left before the year ends.  The executives at BP are stuffing their pockets with as much gold as they can.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

BP's Oil Spill song

This song is called BP’s Oil Spill, and it's about BP, and the

Oil Spill, but BP’s Oil Spill is not the name of the Oil Spill,

that's just the name of the song, and that's why I called the song BP's

Oil Spill.

You can get anything you want at BP’s Oil Spill

You can get anything you want at BP’s Oil Spill

Swim right in it's around the back

Just a half a mile from the oil rig stack

You can get anything you want at BP’s Oil Spill stack

Now it all started two May 24th 2010, was on - when my friend and I went up to visit BP at the Oil Spill, but BP doesn't live in the Oil Spill, they live in the

Mansion nearby the Oil Spill, in the bell-tower, with Tony Hayward and

Fasha the dog. And livin' in the bell tower like that, they got a lot of

room downstairs where the clean water used to be in. Havin' all that room,

seein' as how they took out all the clean water, they decided that they didn't

have to take out their oil for a long time.

We got up there, we found all the oil in there, and we decided it'd be

a friendly gesture for us to take the oil down to the gulf. So

we took the half a ton of oil, put it in the back of a red Grady white

Fishing boat took shovels and buckets and implements of destruction and headed on toward the Gulf Stream.

Well we got there and there was a big sign and a chain across across the

Gulf saying, "Closed to Polluters." And we had never heard of a gulf

closed before, and with tears in our eyes we sailed off

into the sunset looking for another place to put the oil.

We didn't find one. Until we came to a side of the gulf, and off the side of the

side gulf there was another fifteen foot wave and at the bottom of the

wave there was another spill of oil. And we decided that one big spill

is better than two little spills, and rather than bring that one up we

decided to pour our's in.

That's what we did, and sailed back to the rig, had a thanksgiving

dinner that couldn't be beat, went to sleep and didn't get up until the

next morning, when we got a phone call from officer Obama. He said, "Hayward, we found your name on an oil can at the bottom of a half a ton of

oil, and just wanted to know if you had any information about it." And

I said, "Yes, sir, Officer Obama, I cannot tell a lie, I put that oil can

under that spill."

After speaking to Obama for about fourty-five minutes on the telephone we

finally arrived at the truth of the matter and said that we had to go down

and lick up the oil, and also had to go down and speak to him at the

White House. So we got in the red Grady white Fishing Boat with the

shovels and pails and implements of destruction and headed on toward the

Presidents White House.

Now friends, there was only one or two things that Obama coulda done at

the White House, and the first was he could have given us a medal for

being so brave and honest on the telephone, which wasn't very likely, and

we didn't expect it, and the other thing was he could have bawled us out

and told us never to be seen drilling oil around the vicinity again,

which is what we expected, but when we got to the President’s White House

there was a third possibility that we hadn't even counted upon, and we was

both immediately arrested. Handcuffed. And I said "Obama, I don't think I

can lick up the oil with these handcuffs on." He said, "Shut up, Hayward.

Get in the back of the patrol car."

And that's what we did, sat in the back of the patrol car and drove to the

quote Scene of the Crime unquote. I want tell you about the Gulf of Mexico where this happened here, they got a lot of bouys and signs, two police officers, and one police car, but when we got to the

Scene of the Crime there was 1200 boats and three hundred police cars,

being the biggest oil spill since the Exxon Valdez, and everybody wanted to

get in the newspaper story about it. And they was using up all kinds of

government equipment that they had hanging around the federal officers station.

They was taking oil samples, water samples, salad oil samples, and

they took twenty seven thousand eight-by-ten colour glossy photographs with circles and deep sea video and arrows and a paragraphs on the back of each one explaining what each

one was to be used as evidence against us. Took pictures of the approach,

the getaway, the northwest corner the southwest corner and that's not to

mention the aerial photography.

After the ordeal, we went back to the jail. Obama said he was going to put

us in the cell. Said, "Hayward, I'm going to put you in the cell, I want your

wallet and your belt." And I said, "Obama, I can understand you wanting my

wallet so I don't have any money to spend in the cell, but what do you

want my belt for?" And he said, "Hayward, we don't want any hangings." I

said, "Obama, did you think I was going to hang myself for Polluting America?"

Obama said he was making sure, and friends Obama was, cause he took out the

toilet seat so I couldn't hit myself over the head and drown, and he took

out the toilet paper so I couldn't bend the bars roll out the - roll the

toilet paper out the window, slide down the roll and have an escape. Obama

was making sure, and it was about four or five hours later that BP

(remember BP? It's a song about BP), BP came by and with a few

nasty words to Obama on the side, bailed us out of jail, and we went back

to the oil rig, had a another thanksgiving dinner that couldn't be beat,

and didn't get up until the next morning, when we all had to go to court.

We Sailed in, sat down, Obama came in with the twenty seven thousand eight-by-ten

colour glossy pictures with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back

of each one, sat down. Man came in said, "All rise." We all stood up,

and Obama stood up with the twenty seven thousand eight-by-ten colour glossy

pictures, and the judge Sailed in sat down with a seeing eye dog, and he

sat down, we sat down. Obama looked at the seeing eye dog, and then at the

twenty seven thousand eight-by-ten colour glossy pictures with circles and arrows

and a paragraph on the back of each one, and looked at the seeing eye dog.

And then at twenty seven thousand eight-by-ten colour glossy pictures with circles

and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one and began to cry,

'cause Obama came to the realization that it was a typical case of Oil Company payoff justice, and there wasn't nothing he could do about it, and the

judge wasn't going to look at the twenty seven thousand eight-by-ten colour glossy

pictures with the circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each

one explaining what each one was to be used as evidence against us. And

we was fined $50,000 and had lick up the oil in the sun, but thats not

what I came to tell you about.

Came to talk about deep water drilling,

They got a building down Washington D.C, it's called the oil drilling permit office,

where you buy in, you get injected, inspected, detected, infected,

neglected and selected. I went down to get my oil rig examination one

day, and I Swam in, I sat down, got good and drunk the night before, so

I looked and felt my best when I went in that morning. `Cause I wanted to

look like the Oil King kid from BP, man I wanted, I wanted

to feel like the all-, I wanted to be the Oil King from BP,

and I Swam in, sat down, I was hung down, brung down, hung up, and all

kinds o' mean nasty ugly things. And I walked in and sat down and they gave

me a piece of paper, said, "Hayward, see the phsychiatrist, room 604."

And I went up there, I said, "Shrink, I want to pollute. I mean, I wanna, I

wanna pollute. Pollute. I wanna, I wanna see, I wanna see oil and slime and

grease and dead birds in my teeth. Eat dead oily bodies. I mean pollute, Pollute,

Pollute, Pollute." And I started jumpin up and down yelling, "Pollute, Pollute," and

he started jumpin up and down with me and we was both jumping up and down

yelling, "Pollute, Pollute." And the Coast Guard came over, pinned a medal on me,

sent me down the hall, said, "You're our Hayward."

Friday, June 11, 2010

Project ARK, now is the time to start

Project ARK, now is the time to start

I would like to propose "Project ARK". My concept is for fish farms wildlife sanctuaries and aquariums to be built along the Gulf States with the purpose of preserving the different species of the area.

In doing such a project that I believe should be funded mostly by BP and completely by all those drilling in the Gulf would not only help to preserve but also create jobs, and save some of the fishing industry and preserve it until some kind of clean up can be done.

We have killed, not injured, not damaged we have killed a large section of the planet during this spill. Now not later is the time to start our ARK.

I hope through this post someone can help get this message out so the process to save what’s left can begin before it is gone forever.

Monday, June 7, 2010

The end of the world by BP

I've lost track what day is this? 48, 49 and dying?  The earth is dying and when aliens come here they will find a sign over our planet "Humans Rest In Peace" This sign by BP.

Monday, May 31, 2010

BP oil spill Solution

So everyone has a solution why not me? 
Solution for the BP problem. As a Scuba diver I make the following suggestion. Use a Y shaped valve. One side open the other side to a hose or pipe to the surface. Once the connector is slipped over the leak then a valve on the open side could be closed diverting the oil up to the side with the pipe. As long as they keep trying to put their devices over the leak with out a way to vent the system at that depth they will continue to fail.

It's really a simple process that is being over complicated.

Did you ever hear the story of the child that figured out to simply let the air out of the truck tires to get it under the bridge? Same thing. They keep trying to put something over a busted pipe that has pressure but the pressure just keeps blowing them away. it needs to be vented until its on. Once on just redirect the flow.

I know it sounds too easy but it really is that simple. You can't fight all that pressure you can redirect it. Liquids flow you can't stop them you must redirect them.

Friday, May 28, 2010

BP and the disaster

Tony Hayward of BP and Benjamin Linus of LOST....
Does anyone see anything freaky going on?  The series finale and then the disaster?  Could it be DARMA!

BP a/k/a Big Polluters and Boycott BP

Here we are its been 6 weeks! and still the oil is pumping in to the Gulf.  The entire region is destroyed and government is still busing trying to figure out who to Blame. 

Boycott BP

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Blow up the BP oil Well

Blowing up the BP oil well is not a new technology.  When oil wells fail and they do the resulting solution was to blow them up so they would be sealed off and stop the leak.  Enough already lets blow that puppy up and stop the spill.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

BP is still murdering the planet

Said I said the M word, for Murder!  They are just killing everything with little or no regard.  There is no hurry up going on.  It's okay now they tell you were only leaking 2,000 gallons a day it's not so bad.

Yea and I'm a fish in need of a lube job.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

BP Kills the East Coast of the United States of America

Video from a Private Pilot


BP lets Boycott them

BP Peed in the pool.  They royaly screwed up the ecosytems for generations to come.  So like stupid little sheep we continue to buy their gas?  I don't think so.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Spirit Airlines Boycott

If you read this please tell anyone and everyone you know to Boycott Spirit Airlines as they are now charging for any bag that does not fit under the seat.
They want 45 dollars for a carry on bag.

Now I admitt that some folks bring bags that are way to big, but to charge 45 dollars?  A checked bag is 19 if done online and 25 if done at the airport.
If you become a member for 9$ a carry on is 20$  its 30$ if you decalre a bag in advance for carry on.
Show up at the gate with too much and its a whopping 45$!

Boycott Spirit

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Cloud Computing will it vanish?

Cloud computing is the buzz these days. But we all know about clouds, they are just vapor. One minute they are wonderful and the next they are gone. Many of these cloud companies went out of business when the economy changed and anyone holding data with them lost it.

Now I would like to give my favorite view on cloud computing and cloud data storage.

Lets say you give me your wallet to hold with all your money and all your credit cards and all your personal information like social security numbers, your wife’s number, your girlfriends numbers, your children’s birth certificates and all your family photos. Now you will pay me every month to hold this information for you.

I must safeguard it from hackers. It should be available 24/7 100% so you can access it anytime you want.

Sound good? Okay so I go on vacation with all your wallet of goodies, maybe I don't come back and maybe my security is not so good or the power company shuts me off because I bought a car instead of paying the electric bill? So what about your data?

I think I'll sell copies of your data to raise money, and maybe I'll flee the country or just file bankruptcy.

So now where was your valuable data?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Stanford Victims Coaliton to be Audited by IRS

Those wild and wack folks that like to be called Victims are going to be victimized again except this time by the IRS.  Looks like when they put in their law suit what they did was make their names a matter of public record.  The IRS says that out of the thousands on the the list only about 1,000 filed proper returns and the rest will be audited.
Okay but heck they are not really victims they are just bad investors.

Oh by the way what they did is called "Tax Evasion"

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

R. Allen Stanford and the Victims or Investors

Okay lets see if they were Victims they would have had their money taken?  if they are investors they would have given their money?
Since they invested with a criminal does that make them criminals?

Oh wait Stanford is not a criminal,  he has not been convicted of any crimes as yet.  What ever happened to innocent until proven guilty?

Friday, March 5, 2010

How live changes

We didn't have any fancy PlayStation or Xbox video games with high-resolution 3-D graphics! We had the Atari 2600! With games like 'Space Invaders' and 'Asteroids'. Your screen guy was a little square! You actually had to use your imagination!!! And there were no multiple levels or screens, it was just one screen... Forever! And you could never win. The game just kept getting harder and harder and faster and faster until you died! Just like LIFE! PONG! that was it I had fucking PONG! The ball just went back and forth across the screen.

You had to use a little book called a TV Guide to find out what was on! You were screwed when it came to channel surfing! You had to get off your ass and walk over to the TV to change the channel!!! NO REMOTES!!! Oh, no, what's the world coming to?!?! Channel surfing was how fast you could spin the dial and then your parents would scream when the TV man had to come because you broke it from spinning it too fast.

There was no Cartoon Network either! You could only get cartoons on Saturday Morning. Do you hear what I'm saying? We had to wait ALL WEEK for cartoons, you spoiled little rat-finks! And if you woke your parents you were grounded for life! I think I'm still ground but mom is too old to remember.

And we didn't have microwaves. If we wanted to heat something up, we had to use the stove! Imagine that! You had a stove? we had a coal pot.

And our parents told us to stay outside and play... all day long. Oh, no, no electronics to soothe and comfort. And if you came back inside... you were doing chores! and they didn’t care how freakin cold it was outside. Put on a sweater the sun is out. So what its below zero your young when I was your age we wore T-shirts and played in the snow and loved it.

And car seats - oh, please! Mom threw you in the back seat and you hung on. If you were luckily, you got the "safety arm" across the chest at the last moment if she had to stop suddenly, and if your head hit the dashboard, well that was your fault for calling "shot gun" in the first place! Which explains why many of us look the way we do.

See! That's exactly what I'm talking about! You kids today have got it too easy. You're spoiled rotten! You guys wouldn't have lasted five minutes back in 1980 or any time before! 1980? Shit they would have died from polyester in the 70's., or been drafted to Viet Nam in the 60's.

We didn’t have digital cameras, we had to take the film in and wait a week then pray the pictures came out good. We went to the movies early in the day so we could get the discount price and sneak from theater to theater because nobody had enough money to get into the movies more than once in a few months.

We didn’t have any good pornography. There was Hugh Heffner and maybe if the guy at Teamo wasn’t looking you could sneak a peak. then came Larry Flynt but someone shot him. We had to put up with a nipple shot of Farrah's Faucets, and they were that great. Some folks made a big deal about Marsha Brady when she wore a low cut blouse and showed cleavage, but nobody knew she was sleeping with everyone in the cast. And Florence Henderson was doing the boys.

Richard Nixon was not a crook, he was the president. Somehow Jimmy Carter go to be president, then it was Ronny Ray gun.

We had to duck and cover incase of an atom bomb. Like it would really save us. There are still supplies incase of an attack in the basement of my old public school which now has some dead persons name on it.

Public nudity was called streaking. The Frisbee was an actual toy. By the way the guy who invented the Frisbee died this year. Mini skirts was like mini sex, and what ever happened to hot pants.

Today girls have something called a muffin top which is pretty gross.

When I was young I was considered a big boy, by today's kids I'm in great shape as they all suffer from McDonalds.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Antigua-Barbuda government responds to FATF status

Copied from Caribbean Net News
Antigua-Barbuda government responds to FATF status
Published on Thursday, February 25, 2010 Email To Friend Print Version

ST JOHN'S, Antigua -- The Financial Action Task Force (FATF), which is the international body that sets the anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) global standards, on February 18 2010 issued a public statement identifying countries who currently have regulatory deficiencies and placing them in four categories.

Antigua and Barbuda has been placed in category 4 which are “jurisdictions which have deficiencies for which they have developed an action plan and expressed a high-level political commitment to work with FATF and the regional Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF) to address these identified deficiencies”.

According to the Ministry of Legal Affairs, the public statement follows a face-to-face meeting in November 2009 in Argentina between the International Cooperation Review Group (ICRG) and Antigua and Barbuda represented by the Attorney General, Justin Simon QC and the Chair of the Financial Services Regulatory Commission (FSRC), Althea Crick.

A follow-up Report was submitted by Antigua and Barbuda in early February 2010 following the recent passage in the House of Representatives of important amendments to various pieces of legislation including The Money Laundering (Prevention) (Amendment) Bill, The Prevention of Terrorism (Amendment) Bill, and the International Business Corporations (Amendment) Bill.

These Bills will be debated in the Senate next week.

The arrest of R Allen Stanford in the US on allegations that he operated a massive Ponzi Scheme through his wholly-owned Stanford International Bank, which is registered in and regulated by Antigua and Barbuda, and the request for the extradition of Leroy King the former Administrator of FSRC, has highlighted deficiencies in the country's legal and regulatory framework additional to those previously identified in the CFATF’s 2007 Mutual Evaluation Examiners Report on Antigua and Barbuda.

The Report is conducted in each jurisdiction every third year and assesses compliance with FATF Recommendations and implementation of changing norms and regulatory practices. Stanford International Bank Limited is currently in liquidation.

The Ministry said that Antigua and Barbuda has committed itself to and has been duly implementing the requested amendments and changes to its off-shore financial regime and will be making a full report on its legislative and regulatory actions at the CFATF Plenary in June 2010.

"We are pleased with the progress made to date following the 30th Plenary in Curaçao in October 2009 at which a follow-up Report had been tabled for CFATF’s consideration and review. This is an ongoing process," the Ministry said in a statement.

"While we recognise the vital importance of the offshore financial sector to our economy, we must also pay close attention to our concomitant obligation to maintain the global standards of good governance and AML/CFT requirements. We are therefore working assiduously at correcting these deficiencies by June 2010. We expect our financial institutions (whether local or off-shore) to recognise the changes being made, both regulatory and legislative, and call on them to ensure their diligent and effective compliance as we continuously seek to improve our international standing," the statement concluded.

Pirates of the Caribbean

So once again the Dumb previal as postings on the below site list Antigua as being Black Listed by some chessy French group called FATF.

Antigua was not Black Listed duh! Does anyone read the newspapers correctly.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Xm Radio Online Tuner


Get the XmTuner oh yeah you will need a subscription. Sorry but this is the best in Radio on the internet.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Stanford Investors Coalition formerly Stanford Victims

Okay now that they have been renamed from Stanford Victims to Stanford Investors let me explain.  That is what they are or at least were.  See if I buy a stock and the company goes backrupt who do I sue?  Should I sue the US government?  GM went bankrupt and I lost my money to that.  So why am I not a victim?
Hence they invested with Stanford Investment Bank not the Stanford Victims Bank. 

Now these bozos want to sue everyone?  and tie up the court sytems?  Who do I sue about that?

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Stanford Victims Coalition

The Stanford Victims Coaltion has been renamed to the Stanford Investors Coalition.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Open Letter to Terry Ward - "Writers to Avoid

Open Letter to Terry Ward

I'll bet you wouldn’t like it if I wrote a story that said "Writers to Avoid" would you? I am offended by your story "Caribbean Islands to Avoid", firstly the story is loosely written and very broad.

The title alone will turn people off from Caribbean Islands. As a well traveled American living in Antigua I find your report shallow and offensive. It looks like you generalized by writing what you have read in the papers about people that have placed themselves in precarious positions.

Would you walk down a dark alley in Thailand? where is your story on Countries to Avoid? Stay away from Haiti? state the obvious why don't you.

Yet you write telling people to avoid Antigua? One of the prettiest and friendliest Islands in Caribbean? Bahamas? what is so bad? Any one of the islands could be dangerous if your brain is on vacation when you travel. There is crime around the globe.

The islands in the Caribbean rely on tourism as a major source of income, yet with one fell swoop of your pen you publish to millions on AOL and who knows where else, and you did so without any first hand knowledge.

Terry Ward, a Writer to Avoid

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Snow Ballz

Cabin Fever?  Shut in? Snowed under, leave the house now and head to Antigua!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Beware of Sarah Palin

Remember the days of George Bush?  Remember his last few days?  Remember the mess he left to the new President? 
Well if you forgot get ready for Return of the dull Replublican!  It's George Bush in a skirt!  George Bush all over again.!!!!

The ICE Queen Sarah Palin

A scary thing happened last night as Sarah Palin spoke at this radical group called the "Tea Party" It wouldn't be so bad if they understood the meaning of the tea party. Let me sum it up "No Taxation without representation" Man one thing we are not short of these days is representation. That's all they want to do these days is represent us. And the daffy Tea Party people won't have it. Okay fine let them throw themselves in the harbor.
Next scary thought is Sarah says she might run in 2012. Hey that's just great as long as she runs back to Alaska. Let us be realistic here, If you thought George Bush was internationally challenged wait till Sarah gets in the white house. Talk about Alienation of other countries. If you think they hate us now wait till she gets in office. Lets get real, how can she lead when she can't even get a good hair cut. Fashion jokes aside, do we want another GW leading us to another financial breakdown? Does she understand the Nobel Peace prize is not another beauty contest.
Then again the Taliban might not attack if we show them videos of her out hunting. Finally they will realize that America truly is full of crazy people. If we elect her it would be proof.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Fake Crime in Antigua

There are reports of massive crime in Antigua. Let me tell you first hand these reports are false. Anyone that lives in any big city has more crime per hour than Antigua has in a year. Many of the so called neighboring Islands are spreading rumors of crime to steal the cruise and tourism industries. I tell you don't go to those Islands. Their crimes rates are soaring and they are just covering up with good marketing and PR. Antigua is perfectly safe and is extreemly nice place to vacation. No place on earth can promise you a crime free vacation so why are these other so called neighbors spreading rumors?

Come to Antigua, have a great time, go home and tell your friends. For a totally safe vacation stay away from places that you would not go to in your own home. Don't walk down strange "Nature Trails" we don't have any. Don't go down unlit alley ways. Do not wander off, you are a visitor and we value your business.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Blogging about blogging hummm pretty ironic Meanwhile Sailing week in Antigua is on target I just hope all the spring breakers don't dink up all the beer.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Obama Speaks

Okay so there was a State of the Onion address last night. The resident president said a bunch of stuff, the repulisve republicans said he lies, and they will oppose everything.
And if you boil it down it was Blah, Blah, Blah again......
Actually interups my TV viewing. Yadda, Yadda, Yadda.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Spring Break In Antigua and Barbuda

I hear there is a company called Viscount Enterprises Ltd. that is selling Spring Breakers trips to Antigua and Barbuda. This sounds great, finally a destination out of the norm. A place that is most famous for the parties into the early morning hours. Parties where people know how to have a great time and behave themselfs. Antigua is notorious for its Limes (Parties), that run into the next day. World class beaches, great music and awsome food I wish I was of age to attend.
Naturally these kids better be on their best as I hear the Antiguan Police force is not to be messed with and the prision is from the days of the British occupation. So it's not exactly the place you want to spend even a few hours. Just remember to say AnTeee Gaaa Do not say AnteegWa! or the taxi driver will charge you more. Spring Break 2010 Antigua! Gotta get me one of those T-Shirts! Imagine being part of the first offical Spring Break in AnteeeeeGaaaa!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Travel Naked

Traveling naked has got to be the next big thing as the airlines literally put you up against the wall and mug you. So you packed a bag or two because your gonna be away awhile and think you have your trip all planned out. You arrive at the airport all set to go and bam stick em up! You've got Luggage.
You know the nerve of you carrying stuff. How can the airlines make extra money if you bring a bag. I'll bet you didnt know American Airlines had an Air Cargo division did you? Go ahead and see how much one suit case would cost you to ship. It's cheaper then taking it with you.
It's actually a better deal to ship your bag then take them with you. They check in faster, less security hassels and they are guaranteed to be there waiting for your or a full 100% refund on certain services.
Now don't bother to go to the website https://www.aacargo.com to try and find out how much this niffty little deal costs, because you can't until you are ready to actually book it. But I am sure you will at least break even and get better service, and if they loose your stuff you can collect much more than regular bags. Oh and it won't get beat about as bad.
Think this is funny? Consider shipping your clothes 3 days ahead via UPS and save your self all the hassels. Okay the card board box may not look like Gucci bags but if you ship it whos gonna know.
Fight back, Travel Naked and take nothing with you.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Good News on Planet Earth today

The US military fixed part of the dock in Haiti so now the ships can unload. The road had raised up over 5 feet make it completly unpassable at the time. Now trucks can move in and out to pick up the supplies.
While the number of deaths and injuries are tragic there is a clear lesson of learning to be had from this for everyone not only for Haitians. The first person on the scene is you and me, not those rescuers with all the fancy gear. Keep in mind that many of Haiti's rescuers were among those that died.
So you ask what should I do? Poor little me? From 9-11 to Haiti and Asia Tsunami victims we learn like a Boy Scout "Be prepared", have your little box of supplies ready and don't count on the governments. You make fun of the government, you hate the government what makes you think they are going to save you any faster than if you want them to do civil servant work?
It took the US 3 days to get help to its own people, if they can't do it right what makes you think someone else can?
As for what your emergency kit should contain I suggest you check with the Red Cross since they are the only ones that seem to know how to handle these situations.
As for being stuck in an Earth Quake, well it's still a toss up do you run outside or stay inside? Not really any choice you do the best you can. When the earth starts rocking my knees start knocking.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Antiguan Pirates of the Caribbean Hate site

You have to love to hate the bloggers that put up hate sites.

On the side of the page they put up this nonsense about Antigua. I am sure this was written by someone that is not a lawyer and is completly clueless. But hey he went to Antigua got drunk fell on his face and thinks he knows whats going on.

The below is copied from the hate site listed above. It is not the opinion of this site and is only here to demonstrate how people make things up.
With a history of expropriating property owned by U.S. citizens, (Such a lie)the Government of Antigua has breached several international treaties and specifically the Caribbean Basin Initiative.(Be reminded Antigua is a soverign nation) By refusing to deal with compensation for the "forced acquisition," Antigua is now abandoning the last remedy it may have for any international redemption. (Talk about needing international redemption, I think George Bush pissed off everyone when he went after his WMDs that didnt exsist. Talking about calling names)
Not even Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez (Looks like all Americans are pissed Antigua has a good relationship with Chavez). confiscates the property of private foreign investors without compensating them. Even Chavez, who seems intent on inculcating his socialist dogma in his country, knows that if you are going to claim exigent circumstances and launch a compulsory acquisition, there must be some consideration of compensation at fair market value.
(Just a really large FYI here folks, the land he is talking about was bought by Stanford for pennies on the dollar because it is a rock in the middle of the ocean. Then in a scheme Stanford through a shell company sold the land to himself at an inflated price this allowing him to inflate the value of dirt to investors. The investors new belive they have land worth 5 times that of dirt. Talk about crazy)

About that Antigua Hate site

Sorry I did not get my comments to post properly -- here we go...

I guess unless you write hate mail about Antigua your post dissapears?
Stanford is a US Citizen, it was US Law makers that allowed him to conduct a Ponzi, Not Antigua. The money is not in Antigua. The Bank of Antigua was and still is solvent as required by ECCB regulations. Bank of Antigua had nothing to do with Stanford Investment Bank which by the way was run out of the US Virgin Islands and Texas. It was Florida Regulators that allowed him to take bags of money on private jets against federal banking regulations. It was the SEC that allowed him to operate. It was the republican party that protected him. Notice how once the Democrates took office within 28 days Stanford was in trouble.
Stanford is not wanted in Antigua he has not broken any laws here. He does owe alot of people money and alot of people have lost jobs and pay because of this. The government took control of land assests within the boundries of the law. Stanford should have never been able to buy certain lands in the first place. The government has never denied that there will be monies due. However at this point in time if I recall my US law correctly Stanford has not been convicted of anything yet, he has only been charged so legally all the businesses are still his.
As for the alleged murder, no one has been tried or convicted any place except in the media.
Oh my there is crime in Antigua, and there was Allen Stanford. Well there was George Bush in the White House for 8 years with Dick Chaney!
Go investigate Haliburton if you want some big money dirt.
Antigua a rouge state? Thats a joke at best, I guess you missed the elections, PM Baldwin Spencer was re-elected.
Go ahead delte my posts, you are just afraid of the truth.

Hate blogging about Antigua

Here is an interesting http://antigua-pirates-of-the-caribbean.blogspot.com/Site where it seems the owner of the blog has a hate on for Antigua.

So in response I will be posting some comments in response here.
You might call it mini-blog wars.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Boycotting Antigua Just don't

I keep reading this blog something aobut pirates of the caribbean that makes me really sick by this group of people that keep crying they lost some money when investing with Ponzi guy Allen Stanford. So now they want to sue Antigua and Boycott it.
Okay lets get the facts straight, Allen Stanford is a US Citizen, his company was based in Texas, he got Florida regulators to look the other way so he could fly out with bags of your money.
When the SEC finally woke up and looked at his records they found dozens of us politicans on the take. So far Antiguans did nothing wrong because legally he was bringing what appeared to be clean American dollars. Sorry if they were yours but thats the risk you take when you invest.

He flew out with your money went to Antigua then a bunch of Land for next to nothing and inflated the price to 5 times it's actual value and you want your money back? General Motors took money too go sue them. Then they took bail out money so they took your money twice.
So Stanford arrived in Antigua with a bunch of money that you let him take and that is Antigua's fault? Oh what sour grapes, what a bunch of sore loosers, big cry babies. I guess you are all new to investing. Must be because you put all your eggs in one basket.
Humm hey why not boycott New York with Bernie Maydoff, he Maydoff with your money too.

So here you have the truth, an American stole from Americans using American law promised Americans big returns and spent the money in Antigua. The SEC let him go on, the Florida Banking regulators let him go on, so how did it become Antigua's fault? The little tiny third world country with half a dozen regulators were supposed to know he was stealing money in another country?
Plaaaeeezzzeeeee, suck it up